会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. In failing to see that the justice’s pronouncement
merely----previous decisions rather than actually
establishing a precedent, the novice law
clerk----the scope of the justice’s judgment.
(A) synthesized.. limited
(B) overturned.. misunderstood
(C) endorsed.. nullified
(D) qualified.. overemphasized
(E) recapitulated.. defined 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
2. When theories formerly considered to be----
in their scientific objectivity are found instead to
reflect a consistent observational and evaluative
bias, then the presumed neutrality of science
gives way to the recognition that categories of
knowledge are human----.
(A) disinterested.. constructions
(B) callous.. errors
(C) verifiable.. prejudices
(D) convincing.. imperatives
(E) unassailable.. fantasies
3. Because outlaws were denied----under medieval
law, anyone could raise a hand against
them with legal----.
(A) propriety.. authority
(B) protection.. impunity 外语学习网
(C) collusion.. consent
(D) rights.. collaboration
(E) provisions.. validity
4. Rather than enhancing a country’s security, the
successful development of nuclear weapons
could serve at first to increase that country’s
(A) boldness (B) influence
(C) responsibility (D) moderation
(E) vulnerability
5. The characterization of historical analysis as a
form of fiction is not likely to be received----
by either historians or literary critics, who agree
that history and fiction deal with----orders of
(A) quietly.. significant
(B) enthusiastically.. shifting
(C) passively.. unusual
(D) sympathetically.. distinct
(E) contentiously.. realistic
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