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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题26

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. In failing to see that the justice’s pronouncement
" X, B5 n! ]2 e  w$ Y( zmerely----previous decisions rather than actually ) N2 G7 w% Y* w, L
establishing a precedent, the novice law ) B7 I- E3 m9 o$ T! o+ L+ G
clerk----the scope of the justice’s judgment. + r5 i; i* j6 U1 `% g
(A) synthesized.. limited
8 l, R3 u# g4 U( ?(B) overturned.. misunderstood , [8 |. R! q* I: `9 j" u9 c
(C) endorsed.. nullified
5 }! h$ \. t% W. ^(D) qualified.. overemphasized ) h& i$ w1 W) v2 `2 O
(E) recapitulated.. defined 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
* a2 g: y# C# K" z9 Z2. When theories formerly considered to be---- : ]% J. C* F& h0 v# h9 _6 g
in their scientific objectivity are found instead to 5 ?# E- R) i3 A2 c
reflect a consistent observational and evaluative
' D  q& ^& |: S' {$ }bias, then the presumed neutrality of science
+ w; Q# j9 V" o/ M6 f+ F' \$ rgives way to the recognition that categories of ' W, Z0 ^& q" ?+ j2 e2 U3 |
knowledge are human----.
1 j4 Z8 _8 U% B' O8 J& R- T0 `4 Q(A) disinterested.. constructions
' X" r7 j. Z3 l2 w(B) callous.. errors 1 D, L; ]7 x8 B0 t
(C) verifiable.. prejudices
& v( r3 \+ I) e: V(D) convincing.. imperatives 0 @5 M! Y. ]' s( x
(E) unassailable.. fantasies
, O/ b, V; {" A) P( u* ]3. Because outlaws were denied----under medieval " }- q2 x2 O  }1 d9 r" X7 Z
law, anyone could raise a hand against
5 t, P: m# b  l; d/ C' Ethem with legal----. : z- y* ~3 _& S/ K
(A) propriety.. authority
$ C2 W& F( |8 N1 e& Z3 D(B) protection.. impunity 外语学习网# |* [) ~- Q$ k6 u* T8 Y
(C) collusion.. consent
* w( o/ u5 f/ O; T* u7 N4 d7 G0 f(D) rights.. collaboration 3 V; [. s5 K. Y5 ]3 b, D! [% k; I
(E) provisions.. validity
6 I$ X  b% U! a1 k$ H4. Rather than enhancing a country’s security, the 6 [2 Y) h4 f, C) @* ?
successful development of nuclear weapons
5 R# y! y0 ]0 i4 r6 z$ b( D! Lcould serve at first to increase that country’s - B0 K" f- }6 G
, b* T2 A" N: [% C, {1 T( d(A) boldness (B) influence
" v5 h4 L. Z! \$ ]3 {; `(C) responsibility (D) moderation
3 u1 y8 X7 [& p3 a& ?+ u(E) vulnerability
& m( V: v7 n2 u" L& x& e5. The characterization of historical analysis as a
5 z; H, q" ^: w$ y& x/ e, @3 o0 Rform of fiction is not likely to be received----
# R/ ?1 [4 f2 A( O, p1 J0 X+ n9 ~by either historians or literary critics, who agree # n9 F9 P" f$ ?% w
that history and fiction deal with----orders of
; B5 L% [' ^. O! Z+ ?experience. ' G* A7 ?7 [% S/ G  r# u
(A) quietly.. significant % l1 o7 _. G& {
(B) enthusiastically.. shifting 6 v5 E( w* W1 d( c5 I% @
(C) passively.. unusual
# [  e+ E4 R4 W6 p7 d(D) sympathetically.. distinct ) N9 D4 ~. F9 A
(E) contentiously.. realistic

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