会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Her----should not be confused with miserliness;
as long as I have known her, she has
always been willing to assist those who are in need.
(A) intemperance (B) intolerance
(C) apprehension (D) diffidence
(E) frugality
2. Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that
cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly
against the most severe diseases; consequently,
hereditary diseases that are----would be www.Examw.com
expected to be very----, but, surprisingly,
they are not.
(A) lethal.. rare (B) untreated.. dangerous
(C) unusual.. refractory (D)new.. perplexing
(E) widespread.. acute
3. Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the
ramifications of the economic policy have been
----by his wholehearted acceptance of that
policy’s underlying assumptions.
(A) supplemented (B) undermined
(C) wasted (D) diverted (E) redeemed
4. During the opera’s most famous aria the tempo
chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed
----, without necessary relation to what had
gone before.
(A) tedious (B) melodious (C) capricious
(D) compelling (E) cautious
5. In the machinelike world of classical physics,
the human intellect appears----, since the
mechanical nature of classical physics does not
----creative reasoning, the very ability that 考试用书
had made the formulation of classical principles
(A) anomalous.. allow for
(B) abstract.. speak to
(C) anachronistic.. deny
(D) enduring.. value
(E) contradictory.. exclude
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