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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题24

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Her----should not be confused with miserliness; - O) [. g$ @: D0 e. i6 r; w  B
as long as I have known her, she has
6 C( o$ a+ Q( O" E- P/ ]2 A4 jalways been willing to assist those who are in need.
, P6 x7 m' w' @* c# f/ J(A) intemperance (B) intolerance
+ k5 r, K2 P' Z(C) apprehension (D) diffidence
6 g, z' b  {0 ~; Q(E) frugality
) R6 j" B" \/ B, z. t, h: x, ]- a2. Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that * O( S: r- {# w* h6 U
cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly 2 a: r1 i6 W9 Y) P$ C+ h$ V
against the most severe diseases; consequently,
) n, E8 u* P$ `4 d( p9 J7 khereditary diseases that are----would be www.Examw.com
) j6 O3 Y3 b# H5 L% [* g5 W- aexpected to be very----, but, surprisingly, 5 d; j6 u, }, Y' V+ u" u( U" v
they are not.
# T9 _2 {: H: u& X. y(A) lethal.. rare (B) untreated.. dangerous ( ?7 `) J2 K" p
(C) unusual.. refractory (D)new.. perplexing
3 Z' y& P; Y5 M, a) n) O- m(E) widespread.. acute ) R, p9 G) w# M! [5 u" q
3. Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the
1 z. _6 e; f& A0 ?( j6 pramifications of the economic policy have been
$ q' B& X& d% b& Q9 M8 d; g----by his wholehearted acceptance of that
  R7 F! [$ Z/ Tpolicy’s underlying assumptions.
7 L7 Q5 H. a% C' u" t  x3 G(A) supplemented (B) undermined & d' V' n" l- H9 Z8 ~& i
(C) wasted (D) diverted (E) redeemed ( _2 w* A) n0 B- E7 d0 r; {6 R
4. During the opera’s most famous aria the tempo
; E: L0 l4 z- U6 T- }3 N( {5 Pchosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed & m4 ~" i' h; ^# n
----, without necessary relation to what had ; P; O, M8 |' _
gone before.   Q: i1 X' v* l* L% C9 ?" o$ i& b
(A) tedious (B) melodious (C) capricious
7 K, f0 b4 v7 Z/ M$ J; R- H% p(D) compelling (E) cautious 8 I& a5 @$ G1 a  Y5 ~
5. In the machinelike world of classical physics, 8 v+ F$ G8 J# n6 \- k( h9 Y" f8 n8 B
the human intellect appears----, since the
: `6 X+ p3 \) T4 V  t- Wmechanical nature of classical physics does not 4 [  _  N- u8 z
----creative reasoning, the very ability that 考试用书
& m; |: R+ u- F, [0 a% P" e! ihad made the formulation of classical principles 1 T% A1 z/ o) h* m
possible. 6 e5 e6 t. E; [' ?* t
(A) anomalous.. allow for , i6 _1 H: _0 H  T$ w5 @7 H( q; t
(B) abstract.. speak to
2 G) r( g* D+ @6 N( M( z( o(C) anachronistic.. deny   Z8 L, g6 g$ x. I- p
(D) enduring.. value ( s, c' K3 h% s2 z6 |; |: G( a
(E) contradictory.. exclude

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