会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Like many eighteenth-century scholars who lived
by cultivating those in power, Winckelmann
neglected to neutralize, by some----gesture of
comradeship, the resentment his peers were
bound to feel because of his----the high and
(A) quixotic.. intrigue with
(B) enigmatic.. familiarity with
(C) propitiatory.. involvement with
(D) salutary.. questioning of
(E) unfeigned.. sympathy for
2. In a----society that worships efficiency, it is 转自:考试网 -
difficult for a sensitive and idealistic person to
make the kinds of----decisions that alone
spell success as it is defined by such a society.
(A) bureaucratic.. edifying
(B) pragmatic.. hardheaded
(C) rational.. well-intentioned
(D) competitive.. evenhanded
(E) modern.. dysfunctional
3. During the 1960’s assessments of the family
shifted remarkably, from general endorsement
of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread----
it as an oppressive and bankrupt
one whose----was both imminent and
(A) flight from.. restitution
(B) fascination with.. corruption
(C) rejection of.. vogue
(D) censure of.. dissolution
(E) relinquishment of.. ascent
4. Documenting science’s----philosophy would
be----, since it is almost axiomatic that many
philosophers use scientific concepts as the
foundations for their speculations.
(A) distrust of.. elementary
(B) influence on.. superfluous
(C) reliance on.. inappropriate
(D) dependence on.. difficult
(E) differences from.. impossible
5. For some time now, ----has been presumed
not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody
has an angle is considered wisdom.
(A) rationality (B) flexibility
(C) diffidence (D) disinterestedness
(E) insincerity
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