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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题23

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Like many eighteenth-century scholars who lived - y7 I& m4 l! ^5 |2 C" Y
by cultivating those in power, Winckelmann
9 o! }" d4 p8 q  ?& Wneglected to neutralize, by some----gesture of
6 m, N- Q* ^5 _: J5 `( Ncomradeship, the resentment his peers were
' A8 Q4 i0 l; E- {$ V4 y- {) X( ]$ y3 Sbound to feel because of his----the high and * ~3 C3 F; ^$ p- q
mighty. 2 q+ r- g; p' f2 b) v+ ?
(A) quixotic.. intrigue with
5 g- w! K/ L+ q( {2 y(B) enigmatic.. familiarity with
, ~. G% s- a5 t(C) propitiatory.. involvement with
6 Z  s' F& [6 A* j1 F# S& Y(D) salutary.. questioning of 5 ]/ N! B) c: X3 v( ^$ I
(E) unfeigned.. sympathy for " ]' ^. R3 Z. L& I- O
2. In a----society that worships efficiency, it is 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]" w  u4 t6 [3 A* n# c
difficult for a sensitive and idealistic person to
( H- h; ]9 ?# K3 m& s5 kmake the kinds of----decisions that alone ' B" J5 K4 Y( X0 I$ P" ?
spell success as it is defined by such a society.
5 Q* \  b( G* W/ G(A) bureaucratic.. edifying
& s( P, d( v" L  Q# ~# h! G1 h(B) pragmatic.. hardheaded
6 J' P7 u7 \. k/ B& o(C) rational.. well-intentioned ( g$ F. @+ r8 B
(D) competitive.. evenhanded $ a1 F6 V* c: U/ l/ B( {
(E) modern.. dysfunctional
/ t' }9 B* N$ e3. During the 1960’s assessments of the family * L: a; @2 I8 O& e' {1 e
shifted remarkably, from general endorsement
* `" Y; y4 Z& L$ x% n* u/ Lof it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread---- 5 w7 ?1 G( ]  e& Z8 Z
it as an oppressive and bankrupt
# }9 w! d8 a2 M5 ]! L* U% B( uone whose----was both imminent and
$ ^0 \( v$ w* s3 C. `8 ^5 x7 Dwelcome.
. P  ^/ C2 @; v  I, g" k5 K" K1 J(A) flight from.. restitution $ _6 l( i3 y6 G8 {" T( P$ _/ w
(B) fascination with.. corruption
5 n& N# ?6 O* c  k2 j8 D(C) rejection of.. vogue , m8 a  a# e! E7 `& _; M' @3 f6 v
(D) censure of.. dissolution 4 X/ B1 B' d3 |9 z) n- B- {+ @
(E) relinquishment of.. ascent 5 X# y$ P; X: J) |
4. Documenting science’s----philosophy would 9 U9 Q3 Y1 U+ a4 S
be----, since it is almost axiomatic that many
: p, R- v% x: L; B  ?  v8 }philosophers use scientific concepts as the
0 g. |- d# R! [& y! z+ ^% I; g4 E+ Hfoundations for their speculations.
6 Q% |% n  k" a0 V(A) distrust of.. elementary
  F0 J0 }' N" B+ \1 K  J(B) influence on.. superfluous
1 `+ w+ `! u5 Q/ m& d(C) reliance on.. inappropriate / i1 _$ }% Z! O$ I) w
(D) dependence on.. difficult ! I; w; g& E2 n5 |) c
(E) differences from.. impossible # M8 V  r8 c# h) u+ I0 }3 v( w, L
5. For some time now, ----has been presumed
1 y3 {0 C2 L" `( N& X5 b* s7 L0 d) {9 Snot to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody + C7 E! @* E  A# g# v6 g
has an angle is considered wisdom. : `# P1 t; Q' d  D+ ?4 [( G& g4 J
(A) rationality (B) flexibility 0 i9 X6 Q6 N4 I6 S6 q
(C) diffidence (D) disinterestedness
8 b8 G/ M( b" T- v( h) D(E) insincerity

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