会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Since it is now----to build the complex central
processing unit of a computer on a single silicon
chip using photolithography and chemical etching, it
seems plausible that other miniature structures
might be fabricated in----ways.
(A) unprecedented.. undiscovered
(B) difficult.. related (C) permitted.. unique
(D) mandatory.. congruent (E) routine.. similar
2. Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian
----later Greek civilization, it would be incorrect 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely
independent creation.
(A) disdain for (B) imitation of
(C) ambivalence about (D) deference to
(E) influence on
3. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can
always be----, which makes them----unless the
authorities have the will and the power to detect and
punish wrongdoing.
(A) contested.. provisional
(B) circumvented.. antiquated
(C) repealed.. vulnerable
(D) violated.. ineffective
(E) modified.. unstable
4. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy,
she refused to consider the possibility that
his statement had been----.
(A) irrelevant (B) facetious (C) mistaken
(D) critical (E) insincere
5. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater
----their efforts to build a progressive party than
the----of the progressives already elected to the
(A) support for.. advocacy
(B) threat to.. promise
(C) benefit from.. success
(D) obstacle to.. resistance
(E) praise for.. reputation
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