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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题10

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Since it is now----to build the complex central - v$ k% Q1 X: Y$ y5 O. q
processing unit of a computer on a single silicon , p& ]! j1 \* Z6 l$ f5 h5 R
chip using photolithography and chemical etching, it
5 L2 W5 Y8 t2 U3 r  hseems plausible that other miniature structures % S, K% R% ~( i! M: u
might be fabricated in----ways. 4 i% f% V. X; F/ s( r
(A) unprecedented.. undiscovered
% A/ F& M& l9 {& [% R(B) difficult.. related (C) permitted.. unique 2 r! q* {# C$ {6 ]$ k0 r2 k, p
(D) mandatory.. congruent (E) routine.. similar
7 J1 C# s2 d. F/ M" B2. Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian
" @" _2 }* A- q. ]5 I' R----later Greek civilization, it would be incorrect 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)' b: E* g! ?* S% D" j
to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely
0 |2 l0 i( U' N+ Y) T9 L7 sindependent creation. / X/ T7 z. y6 \0 V; e
(A) disdain for (B) imitation of
) W  E, i: D* w. u(C) ambivalence about (D) deference to
& x# s" n5 }* b5 j% D0 I( _(E) influence on ! \, x# f# \: R
3. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can 6 K* s$ |8 e7 d
always be----, which makes them----unless the   L: R2 F+ b' t3 d
authorities have the will and the power to detect and
; N$ {* w) Q7 V$ x2 E) Opunish wrongdoing. 7 V9 D; ]% ]( e1 c
(A) contested.. provisional
) f  h1 c! `4 ]' m3 R2 U(B) circumvented.. antiquated
& |" I8 e. w5 w0 F2 n(C) repealed.. vulnerable 7 C, _0 ]9 e$ a. R, L% Y: P
(D) violated.. ineffective
) m% f* [" Q* D(E) modified.. unstable
7 z- g' X8 ?% K- B! N4. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, / R% {3 o  h, b) w/ D5 V; W, J
she refused to consider the possibility that
8 ]" x$ }1 p8 I; h8 v# M3 khis statement had been----. + q" o1 V" e# O+ x
(A) irrelevant (B) facetious (C) mistaken 3 i: x( o6 A/ n' S- W
(D) critical (E) insincere
  R1 Q) p" {2 L8 g4 _6 s5. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater
% S5 m1 i6 x9 N: |  t( i4 X+ C$ S----their efforts to build a progressive party than 0 m/ C% h( ?- P' D$ g
the----of the progressives already elected to the 2 P% O1 _# _9 c; w
legislature. & t8 r8 L  t# y# G4 r6 t+ ?# Y1 I
(A) support for.. advocacy
9 X* B5 \6 A$ m! y5 M(B) threat to.. promise
0 Y4 y2 K9 _* }, X(C) benefit from.. success
, y+ O  P& `) t& A$ m(D) obstacle to.. resistance / R/ o8 C' O2 `$ }1 w
(E) praise for.. reputation

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