会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. As late as 1891 a speaker assured his audience
that since profitable farming was the result of 来自www.Examw.com
natural ability rather than----, an education in
agriculture was----.
(A) instruction.. vital (B) effort.. difficult
(C) learning.. useless (D) science.. intellectual
(E) luck.. senseless
3. In spite of the----nature of Scotland’s terrain,
its main roads are surprisingly free from
(A) rocky.. weather (B) mountainous.. grades
(C) uncharted.. flooding www.Examw.com
(D) unpredictable.. damage
(E) landlocked.. slipperiness
3. Walpole’s art collection was huge and
fascinating, and his novel The Castle of Otranto
was never out of print; none of this mattered to
the Victorians, who----him as, at best, ----.
(A) dismissed.. insignificant
(B) judged.. worthwhile
(C) revered.. talented
(D) reviled.. meager
(E) taunted.. dangerous
4. Since the author frequently----other scholars,
his objection to disputes is not only irrelevant
but also----.
(A) supports.. overbearing
(B) provokes.. frightening
(C) quotes.. curious
(D) ignores.. peevish
(E) attacks.. surprising
5. Longdale and Stern discovered that
mitochondria and chloroplasts----a long,
identifiable sequence of DNA; such a
coincidence could be----only by the transfer of
DNA between the two systems.
(A) manufacture.. accomplished
(B) reveal.. repeated (C) exhibit.. determined
(D) share.. explained
(E) maintain.. contradicted
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