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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题06

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. As late as 1891 a speaker assured his audience
0 e- n6 e; y! q8 z7 Vthat since profitable farming was the result of 来自www.Examw.com
1 ]. t& ?8 U5 t; N& t$ ~& ynatural ability rather than----, an education in
8 r! _4 A: H& D4 I" ragriculture was----. 8 U, J$ T2 d/ d& c$ G4 N
(A) instruction.. vital (B) effort.. difficult * C5 B' s7 B# }  y1 r
(C) learning.. useless (D) science.. intellectual
# T9 _7 v! ^: T9 T(E) luck.. senseless 1 q4 c  A+ O  v( g) |
3. In spite of the----nature of Scotland’s terrain,
: ^# c) @( V5 Z/ }; T" Pits main roads are surprisingly free from ( s4 h2 e* n; [& O9 ~$ G  |" j
severe----. 9 M( O% L! Z' n" [( H) _( r* f
(A) rocky.. weather (B) mountainous.. grades 2 |. v% p, c$ f6 s0 S5 n3 b* m
225 , k' }: s5 S7 |& \7 g3 h( [) w
(C) uncharted.. flooding www.Examw.com
" Q; \# E1 w% }* u' D(D) unpredictable.. damage * l2 w) ]7 V1 G7 C0 }
(E) landlocked.. slipperiness
: x! P3 r4 v4 |& s+ F8 o8 d2 x3. Walpole’s art collection was huge and
# L/ h+ s) r9 [% y0 z% `, [fascinating, and his novel The Castle of Otranto 2 z. D3 j' {% ^0 w2 k1 V2 ~
was never out of print; none of this mattered to
6 u' g0 p, C, M. z0 j, E3 jthe Victorians, who----him as, at best, ----.
5 G  c9 V( V6 u(A) dismissed.. insignificant ' P  D$ p$ @) _( [
(B) judged.. worthwhile
& R7 ~- _; V* Q# I(C) revered.. talented
# Q3 P( T1 O6 T' u' |% H(D) reviled.. meager . S% j; B8 N- s* g
(E) taunted.. dangerous
% P! j) S9 `8 L8 j" U4. Since the author frequently----other scholars,
# o/ R4 h3 c2 i: I5 y1 fhis objection to disputes is not only irrelevant 5 E( b# h8 a+ n. N( v8 ?
but also----.
6 T9 C+ U2 a/ ]( K( g7 |) I* _(A) supports.. overbearing 7 P& F* Y7 `  ~, l( k& e
(B) provokes.. frightening * W0 m; B' v+ V3 O8 o  U
(C) quotes.. curious
/ w* f: H. A3 F# j- g( m(D) ignores.. peevish
. }% r# R9 c$ T* D  L(E) attacks.. surprising
% M/ X1 [; H/ i9 l7 f' @5 j5. Longdale and Stern discovered that
2 S: [7 T# Y6 k3 J- J2 w9 k- zmitochondria and chloroplasts----a long, ! i" P) f1 G4 a5 b  G2 M) G) W0 `
identifiable sequence of DNA; such a
2 b* }& K! q4 J; A0 ^/ }, y/ gcoincidence could be----only by the transfer of
- g( h( X9 j2 v% @  Q4 G2 zDNA between the two systems.
4 x8 l8 _, i1 }' B0 m(A) manufacture.. accomplished # b  E2 `( T* L" [: C- V$ H; z
(B) reveal.. repeated (C) exhibit.. determined 3 }  O  i3 I2 z
(D) share.. explained 7 `# o4 l8 v$ P+ d& `- J8 F7 ^
(E) maintain.. contradicted

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