会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old
definition of a scholar—a siren that calls
attention to a fog without doing anything
to---- it.
(A) describe (B) cause (C) analyze
(D) dispel (E) thicken
2. Cryogenic energy storage has the advantage of
being suitable in any----, regardless of
geography or geology, factors that may----
both underground gas storage and pumped www.examw.com
hydroelectric storage.
(A) location.. limit (B) climate.. deter
(C) site.. forebode (D) proportion.. typify
(E) surface.. hamper
3. The newborn human infant is not a passive
figure, nor an active one, but what might be
called an actively----one, eagerly attentive as
it is to sights and sounds.
(A) adaptive (B) selective (C) inquisitive
(D) receptive (E) intuitive
4. Opponents of the expansion of the market
economy, although in----, continued to
constitute----political force throughout the
(A) error.. an inconsequential
(B) retreat.. a powerful
(C) disarray.. a disciplined
(D) jeopardy.. an ineffective
(E) command.. a viable
5. Nature’s energy efficiency often----human
technology: despite the intensity of the light 转自:考试网 -
fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible;
only recently have humans developed chemical
light-producing systems whose efficiency----
the firefly’s system.
(A) engenders.. manipulates
(B) reflects.. simulates
(C) outstrips.. rivals
(D) inhibits.. matches
(E) determines.. reproduces
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