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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题39

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old / d& g' y* ~5 c3 u0 @
definition of a scholar—a siren that calls * p& @7 v" Y, k8 j3 v+ _8 Q6 W& ~, ^; n
attention to a fog without doing anything . E; e$ f! n. `9 c
to---- it.
6 U3 W1 {9 G2 t(A) describe (B) cause (C) analyze 6 g* e& t. J# v# u2 w9 i
(D) dispel (E) thicken
% n1 ]2 E& r3 g% e' A9 }2. Cryogenic energy storage has the advantage of ! |$ H, N: C4 c- J$ f/ K/ a
being suitable in any----, regardless of ' M# b# m: v- ]& `4 Z4 _/ A
geography or geology, factors that may----
: d8 ]5 D' r9 S6 f" O1 @both underground gas storage and pumped www.examw.com
# q9 w! Z) [6 whydroelectric storage. ! \5 b( Z. e; P) ^1 B* |0 H
(A) location.. limit (B) climate.. deter 8 T; j  s! w: W1 b
(C) site.. forebode (D) proportion.. typify ! R, e7 Z+ F" Q" T
(E) surface.. hamper
3 s6 o% a- R5 P. K) g3. The newborn human infant is not a passive
) V2 F+ l' c  {6 r2 ^3 Pfigure, nor an active one, but what might be
8 m6 c! R3 w) I+ j' e0 o" {$ rcalled an actively----one, eagerly attentive as ) Q" ^4 ?+ \' \: r1 M
it is to sights and sounds.
- D# G* f- g+ R6 R(A) adaptive (B) selective (C) inquisitive
9 [' R. p% z) @( B(D) receptive (E) intuitive
- o: ?$ e8 r: d( D+ j, g4. Opponents of the expansion of the market 8 H: H! T" D! H" S9 i& B( Z
economy, although in----, continued to . W' v9 _3 e& v3 a2 C- Q
constitute----political force throughout the   _* }) G% I3 g) O8 r& |; N
+ o6 `$ g/ t0 F( T7 R0 b. v9 E. @) ~$ u(A) error.. an inconsequential / d  b# [6 [# Q1 z/ {& _
(B) retreat.. a powerful
# w  x! ]( N6 D" l: W+ i(C) disarray.. a disciplined ( V6 D3 V9 G1 _/ A& J
(D) jeopardy.. an ineffective
6 Z( ?  N( {6 p3 Z! J, c(E) command.. a viable 1 T2 L+ A2 x. T, Q# D
5. Nature’s energy efficiency often----human
" i+ z5 W! T2 W1 S( A- Z251   H6 S* y% v' t9 d& }6 f- x
technology: despite the intensity of the light 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]" G; `% I* i2 l3 @! x7 D3 ^
fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible;
0 ]. N4 p( O' f2 F9 s+ ?  J! Nonly recently have humans developed chemical + i: B% s5 z2 u4 a0 Q! [3 |7 ^9 w
light-producing systems whose efficiency----
  H3 G0 j/ _& o& g# }# rthe firefly’s system.
4 t6 s# m: x3 y9 \( {' q(A) engenders.. manipulates 2 r; s1 J% x" x! P) S  Q1 t
(B) reflects.. simulates
% \: Y$ g' v# C; O9 A(C) outstrips.. rivals
! L* s) V& O+ ]3 u(D) inhibits.. matches
; B' D. |0 C* J- \, ~& k: X(E) determines.. reproduces

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