会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Despite the apparently bewildering complexity
of this procedure, the underlying----is quite----.
(A) simplicity.. calculated
(B) principle.. elementary
(C) confusion.. imaginary
(D) purpose.. effective
(E) theory.. modern
2. In television programming, a later viewing time 转自:考试网 -
often----a more----audience and, therefore,
more challenging subjects and themes.
(A) requires.. critical (B) evinces.. affluent
(C) implies.. mature (D) eliminates.. realistic
(E) invites.. general
3. The cultivation of the emotion of natsukashii,
interpretable as “pleasant sorrow,” brings
Japanese to Kyoto in the spring, not to----the
cherry blossoms in full bloom but to----the
fading, falling flowers.
(A) mourn.. exclaim over
(B) honor.. protect
(C) describe.. rejoice over
(D) arrange.. preserve
(E) savor.. grieve over
4. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) is still
worth reading, more to appreciate the current---
-of Smith’s valid contributions to economics
than to see those contributions as the ----of
present-day economics. 中 华 考 试 网
(A) disregard.. outgrowths
(B) reaffirmation.. concerns
(C) relevance.. precursors
(D) acceptance.. byproducts
(E) importance.. vestiges
5. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in
effect, ----evidence when it does not support his
argument, tailoring it to his needs.
(A) addresses (B) creates (C) alters
(D) suppresses (E) substitutes
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