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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题42

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Despite the apparently bewildering complexity
0 X5 k! _( ?- |& s5 s( e; F6 nof this procedure, the underlying----is quite----. 0 ~+ [* \* }+ v0 l. H  P( N
(A) simplicity.. calculated
* f% E6 \; t, g# d(B) principle.. elementary 9 ]$ Z$ E1 [3 A0 @
(C) confusion.. imaginary 8 I* L0 ]" e# G: U8 T% N% ^
(D) purpose.. effective   j4 D/ f3 G% \5 w( H) r/ k( y
(E) theory.. modern
. T1 P) x1 S# H/ |1 W* R/ K/ i/ F7 \2. In television programming, a later viewing time 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]: `" T% M" l' Z: D
often----a more----audience and, therefore,
' \# w  N& t6 r0 e+ }+ Amore challenging subjects and themes.
1 W$ G8 j2 S" N, W9 s(A) requires.. critical (B) evinces.. affluent
  c) q; B% @% N: W(C) implies.. mature (D) eliminates.. realistic $ W8 Y) p! o- o8 X8 l8 Y5 L# f8 ^$ {
(E) invites.. general
8 w* c1 x2 p0 d6 y" \3. The cultivation of the emotion of natsukashii,
7 T; ^% \7 o, K8 w. `. _interpretable as “pleasant sorrow,” brings
3 I& j0 [2 r0 o8 [Japanese to Kyoto in the spring, not to----the
+ c0 l1 H' P+ x+ Ncherry blossoms in full bloom but to----the
5 u. T* l% p7 P4 y# q! ~, Z# wfading, falling flowers.
; {. ~. ^( i" w8 P7 k(A) mourn.. exclaim over % g# L! K' O2 ]
(B) honor.. protect
( v8 r& y* |) h' \5 R/ L* c(C) describe.. rejoice over
, N: O( [2 s- C) }1 P% b(D) arrange.. preserve
% P) I3 J( W  n$ d(E) savor.. grieve over
) h1 H, F% ^! I( h$ B4 r% t7 D4. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) is still
2 u1 t+ B( B% N1 i' p$ Bworth reading, more to appreciate the current--- ; R8 y( v$ O: X  R; I6 M
-of Smith’s valid contributions to economics
5 f3 y" `: r# ]7 pthan to see those contributions as the ----of $ E* E* _' [, z
present-day economics. 中 华 考 试 网
1 i( Z9 h) \7 Y- x$ \# ^8 j  U5 _(A) disregard.. outgrowths : a" Y. M' O' @1 Y; f7 g7 u
(B) reaffirmation.. concerns
$ A- @+ ^& \% K5 i(C) relevance.. precursors
, T/ `) r4 o6 q# P0 O0 F(D) acceptance.. byproducts
8 r" R$ r5 @/ U2 d# y(E) importance.. vestiges 8 ~- X5 R  D' N% g7 q
5. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in ) l% z$ ^. r) k1 v; c3 R
effect, ----evidence when it does not support his 2 P+ T1 A$ b! X# O3 F
argument, tailoring it to his needs.
  W+ ?1 ]7 g2 ]! o/ P; S$ T" ?1 \7 b(A) addresses (B) creates (C) alters
  \* g0 g6 s3 g+ i(D) suppresses (E) substitutes

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