会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Our times seem especially ----to bad ideas,
probably because in throwing off the shackles of tradition,
we have ended up being quite----untested
theories and untried remedies.
(A) impervious.. tolerant of
(B) hostile.. dependent on
(C) hospitable.. vulnerable to
(D) prone.. wary of
(E) indifferent.. devoid of
2. Although he attempted repeatedly to----her of
her conviction of his insincerity, he was not
successful; she remained----in her judgment.
(A) remind.. forceful
(B) convince.. unfeigned
(C) exorcise.. indulgent www.examw.com
(D) disabuse.. adamant
(E) free.. unsure
3. Regardless of what----theories of politics may
propound, there is nothing that requires daily
politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent—
nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform
to theory.
(A) vague (B) assertive (C) casual
(D) vicious (E) tidy
4. Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed
to----blood pressure regulation in human beings
and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even
though some researchers have obtained
inconclusive results that----the relationship.
(A) sharpen.. conflate
(B) increase.. diminish
(C) aggravate.. buttress
(D) disrupt.. neutralize
(E) impair.. obscure
5. The ----questions that consistently structure
the study of history must be distinguished from
merely----questions, which have their day and
then pass into oblivion.
(A) recurrent.. practical
(B) instinctive.. factual
(C) ingrained.. discriminating
(D) philosophical.. random
(E) perennial.. ephemeral
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