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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题44

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Our times seem especially ----to bad ideas,
+ t8 A5 l* v) S' mprobably because in throwing off the shackles of tradition,
. o9 h  B* A5 w, e% iwe have ended up being quite----untested / \7 T) W  ^8 s2 E, w! H* O
theories and untried remedies. 7 m: N4 X' ~4 ^9 s$ w
(A) impervious.. tolerant of
6 O& E  w$ l8 M* x  c3 R: e! @(B) hostile.. dependent on
0 r+ f; S: ]' z% z/ q3 b& b(C) hospitable.. vulnerable to : `' K% f, t5 m4 Y
(D) prone.. wary of 1 |/ }4 Y9 i. `5 l
(E) indifferent.. devoid of " Z+ P# P6 _* O$ b' o
2. Although he attempted repeatedly to----her of
; y7 x8 w+ ?& I" Z9 Nher conviction of his insincerity, he was not 8 q, _. w" B+ b6 K7 ]9 b9 b/ Q
successful; she remained----in her judgment. + O7 g/ r: R5 ^/ `
(A) remind.. forceful
( t) n  Z6 i" U6 ]# ]  c7 m(B) convince.. unfeigned
6 ^: {- |% V$ ^3 ~% G6 B0 L! p: |(C) exorcise.. indulgent www.examw.com' z5 i) x! p: R+ }4 I' A
(D) disabuse.. adamant
0 u6 Z; @" ]4 t* i8 n& C; o/ B(E) free.. unsure  
1 P8 ]6 V6 i$ Q7 t. o- u9 L; F/ m3. Regardless of what----theories of politics may 0 L* g1 h0 G9 G* m
propound, there is nothing that requires daily
4 I) H2 |# Y; ppolitics to be clear, thorough, and consistent—
7 a$ I5 E/ X2 tnothing, that is, that requires reality to conform 8 {9 E! O& ]; I% g
to theory.
8 a; s  C& w+ f2 v2 A% @+ b* K(A) vague (B) assertive (C) casual ( ?1 b9 E$ o/ u! S0 j6 A9 x
(D) vicious (E) tidy
) c- n  Q! l2 @$ I& p4. Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed   U' u) v3 z, e3 V
to----blood pressure regulation in human beings . m9 ~' @2 a, O' n0 O# i# D
and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even 6 d) H5 S  e" c
though some researchers have obtained 1 b4 {& c+ A4 K* B* A
inconclusive results that----the relationship.
. }6 Y% C) ]: e/ X(A) sharpen.. conflate
: S. ~: {- q. L: F! e+ K/ ?(B) increase.. diminish 4 |2 C, g2 N9 |+ @; n5 A3 _
(C) aggravate.. buttress
9 \8 O; H  U- G6 Z7 [0 i% _(D) disrupt.. neutralize 9 b/ @5 U5 J$ H* [6 T7 q2 j4 g9 O  m
(E) impair.. obscure
0 W4 b' h' x4 I5. The ----questions that consistently structure - S2 T1 w4 R% C8 B, ~+ y
the study of history must be distinguished from
" I3 ~; _, K  Amerely----questions, which have their day and 4 }+ @' g  R5 a; a* D' T, u( x
then pass into oblivion.
4 |( }& s/ r) ]2 G; P+ @(A) recurrent.. practical
7 C8 f" D" r3 V2 x. S$ y(B) instinctive.. factual 0 a5 I1 Q7 x2 C1 T1 h; C1 F. Q
(C) ingrained.. discriminating
/ J: n+ |! u2 D8 B(D) philosophical.. random
; ?) X0 O) N0 o" \(E) perennial.. ephemeral

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