会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far
from being symptomatic of a lack of----, is the
first step in learning to be creative.
(A) elegance (B) resolution (C) goodness
(D) originality (E) sympathy
2. As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not
allow respect to----her sense of whimsy when
painting it.
(A) inspire (B) provoke (C) suppress 外语学习网
(D) attack (E) satisfy
3. No one is----about Stephens; he inspires either
uncritical adulation or profound----in those who
work for him.
(A) neutral.. antipathy
(B) infuriated.. aversion
(C) worried.. anxiety
(D) enthusiastic.. veneration
(E) apprehensive.. consternation
4. Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution
assumed most adaptation to be a product of
selection at the level of populations; recent studies
of evolution, however, have found no----this
----view of selection.
(A) departures from... controversial
(B) basis for.. pervasive
(C) bias toward.. unchallenged
(D) precursors of.. innovative
(E) criticisms of.. renowned
5. The new biological psychiatry does not deny the
contributing role of psychological factors in mental
illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a
catalyst on existing physiological conditions and
----such illnesses.
(A) disguise (B) impede (C) constrain
(D) precipitate (E) consummate
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