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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题47

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far   P' V0 V1 a+ m* @& J: L) `% z
from being symptomatic of a lack of----, is the ! X; q0 g$ J) O) R6 |. W7 }
first step in learning to be creative. 8 r  [) q$ }) x+ {3 \: U" \. p
(A) elegance (B) resolution (C) goodness ! T! U; S7 h* N
(D) originality (E) sympathy
! D' d3 `- Q8 e2 l2. As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not
2 R- w' A' S( O4 V$ V) Mallow respect to----her sense of whimsy when
* m$ f) m! Q3 L7 Q; n  [& x( G6 |painting it.
; @2 E4 `* u! }9 _% l: k5 a(A) inspire (B) provoke (C) suppress 外语学习网2 Y, A6 Y' ~' W; Z
(D) attack (E) satisfy
* P, E4 E4 ]- L  Y3. No one is----about Stephens; he inspires either + _' O5 L' P, I
uncritical adulation or profound----in those who 9 Z, C8 p! Y5 J; [7 C# G
work for him.
) j0 C4 O' u" n0 _8 R# Z2 ^(A) neutral.. antipathy & z. P4 x6 N$ f# v0 s$ p
(B) infuriated.. aversion
* e  ~$ P) R! [5 l4 z8 S, s(C) worried.. anxiety # `2 u$ Y" S6 ^. k9 b
(D) enthusiastic.. veneration 5 K( |9 C+ a2 F, j& u* F
(E) apprehensive.. consternation - n( f) F8 W, y3 W: d
4. Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution
; \  X- X- |) V3 [& Kassumed most adaptation to be a product of   d" g$ }* o0 x" Z4 p" |
selection at the level of populations; recent studies 1 w# [+ [+ I" T: {$ [0 ?: ]" W/ L
of evolution, however, have found no----this ( w6 i' G# b" G3 ?8 ~5 ?- D) Z
----view of selection.   Z( V0 J$ D0 r+ k/ Y
(A) departures from... controversial
3 t- T- t4 \: _& S0 u! F7 k8 b(B) basis for.. pervasive 8 p0 {6 M1 b( K. L' A; F& U  z4 Y
(C) bias toward.. unchallenged & ^, M1 G3 W& t7 ^7 r* }
(D) precursors of.. innovative 4 o9 u/ Q7 \: n" z( t, ?( h# L! J+ `
(E) criticisms of.. renowned   [( S1 C  Q+ {
5. The new biological psychiatry does not deny the
7 u  I) |4 ~: t2 J& Z. dcontributing role of psychological factors in mental 4 ?$ A% G0 ^. M% K- K* M
illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a
! c$ T2 O; K) Y& A+ h5 Z  ^& Gcatalyst on existing physiological conditions and
# O. N! A9 Q: V: F' z/ F----such illnesses. / _- J1 U: c! \
(A) disguise (B) impede (C) constrain 6 u: A- ~; ?5 B3 Q( z7 h$ r) C  B  o
(D) precipitate (E) consummate

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