会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


36.小说 故事
[共12 篇]
【注解】reinstate:使...恢复原职imitation:模仿,仿制品,仿制multifarious: 由不同的部分形成的,各种各样,多级的
¥3.小说题材内在外在题(多版本) expansive/ obtrude into
某小说家认为小说题材不应该intrusive narrative 题材,应____,因为否则就会影响作品的什么
了,可以保持一种illusion of reality.
【注解】intrusive:内凸的,侵入的obtrude:强加,强行进入,伸出agonize: 感到极度痛苦, 苦斗narrative叙述
【注解】hasten:催促,赶快impetuous:急躁的,狂暴的preconceive:事先构成对...的看法contrivance :发明物, 发明, 欺诈inconspicuous :不显著的expansiveness易膨胀的
Due to their cultural superiority, some of the country's novelists were full of chauvinism and wrote
with ____view of point in favor of their motherland; yet, still some other novelists were objective
and of less____.
7.理解小说的障碍分不清描写是虚幻还是现实题indulge in...fancily
一个女作家如此地____style,让人觉得很____:即是分不清她描写的是idealism 还是现实.
【注解】fancily: 凭想象,花哨地
¥8.不再从民间故事寻榜样题exemplary...less benign
一般都以为人们喜欢finding myths or fables folk story中的____的角色behavior,其实人们更喜欢寻找____behavior that depicted by the author that capable by both adults and children.
人们不愿意从fairy tales中学习behavior of____ model ,而喜欢从vivid discription of fiction中学习behavior of ____which both the adult and child can accept(no3)
key:exemplary…less benign (重考题确认v710,690)
【注解】exemplary:典范,模范的benign:善良的,无危险的,有利的quotidian:每日的relegate:把...降级,交付nefarious:恶毒的pedestrian:徒步的,行人的,平凡的protagonist :主人公,领导者,主角
¥10.浪漫主义小说题shallow...realization/ achievement/ utilization
Far from being most ____ of literal form, romantic fiction is more moving than other genre have
the____of potential to affect reader's emotion. (NO.3)
The novelist shows no sign of ____,since 他最近发表的作品和三十年前的作品一样audacious
and funny.( No.2)
【注解】resilience: 弹回,复原力mellow:变熟,陈化audacious:大胆的,放肆鲁莽的
页: [1]
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