会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


# 修建dam会使附近的居民搬的离dam closer than-- ,if dam 被毁,then 洪水带来的damage is--没修dam的情况。
  # 修建dam不仅造价昂贵, 而且让人们比以前更_______靠近河流:一旦dam损坏,其洪水将会______ than 没有修建dam.
  我选的是possible…..worse , 选项中还有一个prudent…costlier
  # 昨天别人提的dam那题,我选prudent...costlier
  prudent。。。costlier than;recommended。。。*;possible。。。equivalent to what*;*。。。tantamout to;
  # 其中一道是孩子脾气mercurial(选项)那道题。
  # 有一道是说一个美国画家(应该中译为惠特勒,如果你们看过Mr.bean的一部电影,讲他冒充艺术专家带一幅名画去美国展览,那里面的那幅画就是Whitler画他母亲的,可是大大有名呀,不过闲话少述),正确答案应是他的肖像画与当时风气相对,他是exceptional(选项) in (另一个选项,不过忘了),是非常明确的反义关系。
  # far from being most (shallow), romantic fiction is more moving than other genre. 后面还有一个空,想不起了
  # As more data are acquired,...____ support that theroy is hirbeto been ____.
  我选lacking in ... discounted.
  # ....某音乐家....hardly_____,.....同情..... ,然而另一些人...持_____观点
  a.disintrested .... exacting
  b.objective.....mininal 我选了a 吃不准
  # 小孩mercurial父母even-tempered那题
  # She was criticized by her fellow lawyers not because she was not (hardworking),but because she so (minutely) prepared .
  # Most intellectual criticism of mass culture was ( ) in character,being based on the assumption(?) that the wider the appeal, the more ( )the product.
  1. compelling ... intriguing
  2. even though the governor was not ______ the argument in favor of the proposal,she decided to veto it.
  d:apathetic to (my answer)
  3. the development of junior schools was only ______ inexpensive way to avoid of overcrowding of high shcools
  选 expediency
  4. The scientist found it puzzling that his rival’s theory retained its ___ despite widespread suggestions that it was now___. 选项为current … moribund
  As more and more Information has been acquired, scientists have inadvertently found support for _______ theories that they had in the early time ________.
  我记得的选项:B) lacking for … discounted, E) devoid of … rejected
  In the modern industry society, the pessimism about the profitability of the invested capital _______ the excessive individual savings to the _______ of the economic growth of the society as a whole。 我选了prevents … maintenance, 因对另一选项 restricts ... incidence 中的incidence(影响范围)
  考古学家常__site,which the most likely find 古物,但,很多古物是在 __的地方发现的.
  my choice: analyze .....unforseen
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