会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22


if only / only if
if `only
(a) (used to express a wish with reference to present or future time 用以表示对现时或未来的愿望): (b) * If only I were rich. 但愿我很富。
* If only I could swim. 要是我会游泳该多好。
* If only I knew her name. 我要是知道她的名字就好了。
* If only it would stop raining. 真希望雨能停。
* If only they would tell me what they've decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我。
(b) (used to express a wish that past events had been different 用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望):
* If only he'd remembered to buy some fruit. 他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好。
* If only I had gone by taxi. 假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。
only if (when used at the beginning of a sentence, making the v in the following clause precede its subject 用于句首, 后接从句主谓倒装) only on condition that 只要; 只有:
* Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.
只有得到教师的允许, 学生才可以进这间屋。
* Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees. 只要红灯一亮, 就表示有危及职工的险情。
If there is any need, we'd like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate.
supply/ sэ'plai; sэ`plai/ v (pt, pp supplied)
1 ~ sth (to sb); ~ sb (with sth) give sb sth that is needed or useful; provide sb with sth 供给或供应某人所需或可用的物品; 向某人提供某物:
* a company supplying heating oil (to homes) (向住户)供应燃油的公司
* supply consumers with gas, electricity, etc 向消费者提供煤气、 电力等
* He kept me well supplied with cups of coffee while I wrote the report.
我写报告时, 他一直不停地给我一杯杯续咖啡。
2 provide enough (of sth) for (a need); fulfil 提供足够的(某物)以满足(需要): 3 * Will the new power- station be able to supply our cheap energy requirements?
You've made some readjustment in your import and export business, haven’t you?
I wonder whether you'll go on importing this kind of equipment?


会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:23


</p>The principle to introduce advanced technology with foreign capital on the basis of self-reliance will remain unchanged.
If you hope to introduce some advanced technology and complete plants, we'd like to offer you our help.
(a) machinery, equipment, etc used in an industrial or a manufacturing process (用于工业生产中的)机器、 设备等:
* The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。
* `plant hire, ie renting of machines or equipment 机器租赁。
(b) piece of machinery or equipment 机器; 设备:
* The farm has its own `power plant. 这家农场自己有发电设备。
Our corporation is willing to give its help to your economic construction.
Do you still insist on your price?
We readjust our price according to the international market.
May I know what particular line you are interested in this time?
We are interested in discussing arts and crafts business with you.
arts and `crafts decorative design and handicraft 工艺美术; 手工艺。
What particular items are you interested in?
We are very much interested in your hardware.
ware / weэ(r); wεr/ n (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词)
(a) manufactured goods (of the specified type) (某类)制造品:
* `ironware 铁器 * `hardware 五金制品 * `silverware 银器。
(b) pottery or porcelain of a particular type or made for a particular purpose (为某用途的)陶器, 瓷器:
* `earthenware 陶器 * `ovenware 烤箱用器皿。
warehouse / 'weэhaus; `wεr.haus/ n
(a) building where goods are stored before being sent to shops 货仓。
(b) building where furniture is stored for its owners (存放家具的)栈房。
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