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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(21)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
if only / only if% x: ~. n; A2 n7 ]/ l/ T
if `only
, a3 h8 l# T- `7 I1 o(a) (used to express a wish with reference to present or future time 用以表示对现时或未来的愿望): (b) * If only I were rich. 但愿我很富。
/ z2 \1 d  `5 k* If only I could swim. 要是我会游泳该多好。
3 ^4 g2 g& E5 V& B. p0 f* If only I knew her name. 我要是知道她的名字就好了。
/ N- t" D4 \4 s* If only it would stop raining. 真希望雨能停。
& C2 ~( I5 [# ^1 t+ V# h* If only they would tell me what they've decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我。
$ B* v1 H! f3 r3 ~7 ^) v' ?(b) (used to express a wish that past events had been different 用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望):$ V  }3 D0 p4 \9 _
* If only he'd remembered to buy some fruit. 他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好。: w' E2 W) z1 i
* If only I had gone by taxi. 假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。* I6 e+ ^2 w5 H9 ?* E
only if (when used at the beginning of a sentence, making the v in the following clause precede its subject 用于句首, 后接从句主谓倒装) only on condition that 只要; 只有:) a( {, a$ z. i8 B" [3 e1 U3 g& s
* Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.
/ K) P4 S2 ~2 c  n/ \5 _7 h只有得到教师的允许, 学生才可以进这间屋。4 C  |; b* }3 U7 k/ n1 x
* Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees. 只要红灯一亮, 就表示有危及职工的险情。
- s  d) ^) \+ _/ ^( }: h3 `( F6 UIf there is any need, we'd like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate.
9 m8 E9 O# o9 |/ T- j7 S5 C如果需要的话,我们愿按最优惠的利率向您提供贷款。
) k  e* z3 g- |$ r% \supply/ sэ'plai; sэ`plai/ v (pt, pp supplied)
, r  J7 g9 O- C1 S- s( W1 ~ sth (to sb); ~ sb (with sth) give sb sth that is needed or useful; provide sb with sth 供给或供应某人所需或可用的物品; 向某人提供某物:1 T' B+ x8 p  k( U# [, A( N( G
* a company supplying heating oil (to homes) (向住户)供应燃油的公司% T  i# R6 x& ~0 U' H' D  B$ `: ?
* supply consumers with gas, electricity, etc 向消费者提供煤气、 电力等; Z' {; h! I1 ~+ M* |
* He kept me well supplied with cups of coffee while I wrote the report.- [: T! g: |1 @+ N4 ^9 P& U
我写报告时, 他一直不停地给我一杯杯续咖啡。& \& X% e; K, \+ t  A! g0 P
2 provide enough (of sth) for (a need); fulfil 提供足够的(某物)以满足(需要): 3 * Will the new power- station be able to supply our cheap energy requirements?# c- q: D2 u( }4 J
新建的发电厂能够满足我们对廉价能源的需求吗?3 U, M0 P5 V- J6 @  U. M6 c
You've made some readjustment in your import and export business, haven’t you?/ j) ?$ u5 I  N* S  p
" P, j# u/ p: `I wonder whether you'll go on importing this kind of equipment?
) v& D, P4 U' ~0 m( ?6 e0 P% B( x* l, G9 A6 R5 R

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>The principle to introduce advanced technology with foreign capital on the basis of self-reliance will remain unchanged.6 _; ?( @, v. m5 ?! B
我们在自力更生的基础上,利用外资,引进先进技术的方针是不变的。) y& I1 o/ |$ ?0 j) c
If you hope to introduce some advanced technology and complete plants, we'd like to offer you our help.
, H! E, ]' K8 q" s, N' q8 r4 Q9 p你方如果希望引进一些先进技术和成套设备,我们公司可以尽力。: v( _4 p/ {3 m' ]. t5 j, J
plant:5 M% ~5 k6 K" ?
(a) [U] machinery, equipment, etc used in an industrial or a manufacturing process (用于工业生产中的)机器、 设备等:
' C& W* ]& b$ g5 Y3 e* The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。# v" W" s3 N/ W0 \' |- G  A
* [attrib 作定语] `plant hire, ie renting of machines or equipment 机器租赁。
2 P" H! T: F# T3 V(b) [C] piece of machinery or equipment 机器; 设备:" x* d5 O+ _. @+ _4 \
* The farm has its own `power plant. 这家农场自己有发电设备。( L6 [# H& T# |1 O! @) c
Our corporation is willing to give its help to your economic construction.
/ i" b5 w4 [" ?% p2 _/ w' j0 i我们公司愿为贵国的经济建设尽一些力量。6 M) Y# }6 H, k2 l6 _$ H* K
Do you still insist on your price?5 b/ y3 ^: d: K5 b. p' Y
+ q! Z  T+ }4 M7 k( UWe readjust our price according to the international market.& i: D$ M) P& ~' N( Z" ]+ J, f2 a
7 f+ y; N8 |- ]5 u. |May I know what particular line you are interested in this time?$ S8 K+ f- `$ y1 Z' g- z
你们这次来主要想谈哪些方面的生意呀?7 G3 q, V+ ?5 E9 ]
We are interested in discussing arts and crafts business with you.
: m3 D2 J' v( R  Y我们希望能和你们谈谈工艺品方面的业务。
; p0 Z- z$ u' U1 [7 U, warts and `crafts decorative design and handicraft 工艺美术; 手工艺。
; j' \% p! u0 ^, R0 r1 L8 eWhat particular items are you interested in?
4 b/ M9 X8 H- i2 Y( u8 U2 R+ ]0 P请您谈谈你们对哪些产品感兴趣?3 z# K$ d8 I6 r8 Z, i* l7 R# L- [
We are very much interested in your hardware.
* i' m7 D4 N% `8 }) Q- |. p$ n我们对你们的小五金很感兴趣。) P3 w) g4 |9 n* P( ], P
ware / weэ(r); wεr/ n [U] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词)& ]' A* C+ c$ _3 k5 }
(a) manufactured goods (of the specified type) (某类)制造品:
6 @! |- A$ b5 {7 _1 V* `ironware 铁器 * `hardware 五金制品 * `silverware 银器。
0 f# M4 C) ~$ ~(b) pottery or porcelain of a particular type or made for a particular purpose (为某用途的)陶器, 瓷器:
# X# B5 ]# @4 {8 G# y  ^* `earthenware 陶器 * `ovenware 烤箱用器皿。
% }* m7 a7 }" I! |8 y+ G: owarehouse / 'weэhaus; `wεr.haus/ n0 y3 `" V& E8 s2 l4 q1 k
(a) building where goods are stored before being sent to shops 货仓。) o7 P. z$ W2 ?* N6 l' N4 B  J7 n/ Z, J
(b) building where furniture is stored for its owners (存放家具的)栈房。
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