会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22


foreign middlemen 国外中间商

forestry 林业

formalization 形式/规范化

formulate 制定

fortress/position-defence strategy 防御堡垒战略

Fortune 《财富》杂志

forward integration 向前一体化

franchise systems 特许系统

franchising 特许经营

free call numbers 免费电话号码

free goods 免费商品

freight-absorption pricing 免收运费定价法

fringe benefits 小额津贴

frontal attack strategy 正面进攻战略

full costing profitability analysis 全成本盈利性分析

full-service wholesalers 全方位服务的批发商

functional competencies and resource allocation 职能能力与资源分配

functional efficiency 职能效率

functional organization of sales force 按销售职能组织销售队伍

functional organizational structure 职能型组织结构

functional performance 功能性能

functional strategy 职能战略
页: [1]
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