氏柴深嗔 窟燕噐 2012-8-16 08:05:44


  Part One          Listening
  Section One (10%)
  Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c and d, and decide which is the best answer.
  Now you will hear the example:
  She went to the bank with Mr. Smith.
  You will read:
  A. She went home.        C.She went to the bank.
  B. She liked Mr. smith.      D.She went to Mr. Smith¨s house.
  Statement C, "She went to the bank" is the closest in meaning to the statement "She went to the bank with Mr. Smith." Therefore, you should choose answer C. Now listen to the statements.
   A. Bank will reject the crossed check.
   B. It is not advisable to hold a crossed check.
   C. You can only have a crossed check paid to your account.
   D. A crossed check is not a good check, not illegal though.
   A. The guarantee period will be over two years.
   B. The guarantee period will be only two years.
   C. The seller will give us only a one-year guarantee period.
   D. The seller will give us a three-year guarantee period.
   A. Mary does her work better than Alice.
   B. Mary is taller than her colleague Alice.
   C. Alice works better in the bank than Mary.
   D. Mary walks faster than Alice.
   A. Please ask your London bank to hand out this.
   B. Please ask your subsidiary bank to do this.
   C. Please ask a similar London bank to deal with the problem.
   D. Please ask the bank in London which has a correspondent relationship with you to deal with the problem.
   A. Accountants have to understand the accounting data and reports.
   B. The international accounting is important.
   C. The translating of data and report is accountable.
   D. The responsibility of accountants is to translate the accounting data and reports.
   A. We need your debit authority next Monday.
   B. You have enough money to debit our authority.
   C. You¨re very kind to debit our account.
   D. We need you to debit our authority next month.
   A. liquidity is a measures of how quickly an item may be converted to foreign currencies.
   B. liquidity is a measures of how quickly an item may be converted to cash.
   C. liquidity is a measures of how quickly an item may be converted to liablities
   D. liquidity is a measures of how quickly an item may be converted to fixed capital.
   A. Cash in advance.
   B. Open account.
   C. Documentary collection.
   D. Documentary credit.
   A. We have had your specimen signatures.
   B. You should provide us with your specimen
   C. You should sign on the space.
   D. It is necessary for you to sign the statement.
   A. On Sundays this bank is open till 4:00 p.m.
   B. On Sundays this bank is open till 4:30 p.m.
   C. On Sundays this bank is closed at 4:30 p.m.
   D. On Sundays this bank opens as usual.
  Section Two (10%)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and questions will be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer
  Now you will hear :
  M: Does our bank have a direct correspondent relationship with the Bradalys¨ Bank?
  W:No, we don¨t. So we have to advise this L/C via another bank.
  Q: Which of the following is right?
  Now you will read:
  A. We can advise this L/C to the Bradlays¨ Bank.
  B. The Bradlays¨ Bank is our correspondent.
  C. The L/C has to be advised by a third bank.
  D. We should advise this L/C by ourselves.
  From the conversation we know that we have to advise this L/C via another bank. The best answer is C. Therefore you should choose answer C.

氏柴深嗔 窟燕噐 2012-8-16 08:05:45


   A. To write as many checks as they want.
   B. To make sure of the amount of the deposits.
   C. To get a penalty of $3 for each check.
   D. To try to make more money.
   A. Bill of lading
   B. Consular invoice
   C. Insurance policy
   D. Certificate of origin
   A. A teller
   B. An assistant auditor
   C. An accountant
   D. A cashier
   A. Endorse the cheque.
   B. Wait for a while.
   C. Sign the collection receipt.
   D. Show her identification
   A. current rate
   B. floating rate
   C. stated rate
   D. cross rate
   A. 900 dollars
   B. 800 dollars
   C. 1700 dollars
   D. 9800 dollars
   A. Between three o¨clock and six o¨clock
   B. Before six o¨clock
   C. Before three o¨clock
   D. After three o¨clock
   A. a mortgage loan
   B. a start-up loan
   C. a consumer loan
   D. an interbank loan
   A. Operating Leasing
   B. Direct Leasing
   C. Introduction of Partner of Leasing
   D. Re-Leasing
   A. immediate payment
   B. deferred payment
   C. invoice
   D. US$2,200
  Section Three (10%)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage you will hear some questions about what was said. The passages and questions wi1l be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer
  Questions 21--23 are based on passage 1 
   A. Because of slow revenue growth.
   B. because of high expense ratios.
   C. because of increased competition from various "non-banks".
   D. all of above
   A. ATMs
   B. telephone banking
   C. Federal Reserve
   D. on-line banking
   A. by when they can do their banking.
   B. by where they can do their banking.
   C. by how they can do their banking.
   D. with whom they can do their banking
  Questions 24-27 are based on passage 2 
   A. Handling deposits
   B. Trading bills of exchange
   C. Issuing their own notes
   D. Selling travelers¨ checks
   A. In England
   B. In Venice, Italy
   C. In U.S D
   D. In China
   A. making articles of gold
   B. handling deposits and making loans
   C. Issuing and trading bills of exchange
   D. Issuing their own notes
   A. in 1587
   B. in 1694
   C. in the middle of the 19th century
   D. in the middle of the 20th century
  Questions 28-30 are based on Passage 3 
   A. a person to manage the bank branch.
   B. a person responsible for the granting of a loan.
   C. a person to restrict his training on lending
   D. a person called "Jack of all trade"
   A. a broker
   B. salesman
   C. businessman
   D. an advisor
   A. the intensive competition for personal savings.
   B. the revolution on clearing systems.
   C. The challenges of new technologies.
   D. all of above.
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