会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37


上一讲中我们为您介绍了 floating exchange rates 和 fixed exchange rates,浮动汇率与固定汇率。澳广金融节目主持人巴里克拉克介绍说,二十世纪的固定汇率制不仅未能保持汇率的稳定,而且还为投机者提供了机会。   但是实行浮动汇率制也同样有它的不利之处。不断变化的汇率为工商业的运作带来许多不确定因素。
    1 reserve bank 储备银行2 cushion 缓冲垫,减震器3 intervene 干预4 contention 辩论5 on balance 总的来说6overshooting 过火,过激
    the reserve bank tries to play a role in providing a comfort cushion by intervening from time to time in the foreign exchange market with a view to limiting its more extreme fluctuations.
    whether the central bank should be doing this, and whether it actually can influence exchange rates in the face of market forces, are matters of some contention.

    from its own analysis, the reserve bank is persuaded that, on balance, it plays a useful role in limiting overshooting in the market.
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