会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42


  Most of them do. But the background color should be a little lighter.
  No problem. What do you think of our logo?
  logo / 'lэugэu;`lo.go/ n (pl ~s) printed symbol designed for and used by a business, company,etc as its emblem, eg in advertising (企业、公司等的)专用标识, 标记, 商标(如用于广告中的)。
  Very good. Maybe you should move it a little closer to the middle.
  Alright. Do you have anything to say about the outer packaging?
  You mentioned cartons, didn't you? I’m afraid cartons are not strong enough.
  Please don't worry. All the bags are beautifully designed to come in line with the local market preference at your end.
  in line with sth: similar to sth; in accordance with sth 与某事物类似或一致:
  * in line with the others/with the latest research 与其他的一致[根据最新的研究成果
  Have you got any samples here? I'd prefer to have a look.
  Here you are.
  It does look good. Especially the little swan.
  Thank you. We understand that your people regard swans as a symbol of good luck.
  多谢。我们听说你们那儿的人把天鹅当成幸运物。 Waterloo bridge : lucky charm
  Thank you. Let's call it a deal.
  Can we discuss the packing today?
  Sure. We usually pack our skirts individually in polythene bags, ten dozen to one carton.
  polythene / 'p) liθi:n; `palэθin/ n type of plastic widely used in the form of flexible,often transparent, sheets for waterproof packaging, insulation, etc 聚乙烯:
   a polythene bag, cover 聚乙烯塑料袋、 套。
  Acceptable. But please pay attention to the design of the inner packing. All the packages must be ready for window display.
  Oh, I'm afraid the price you give is too low. The best I can do is 2%.
  You say 2% and I say 4%. How about splitting the difference and meeting each other half way? Let's settle at 3%.
  split the `difference : (when making a bargain) settle on an amount half-way between two proposed amounts (idm )(讲价时)各让一步, 折中。
  No. I'm afraid it’s still not acceptable.
  What do you say to 2.5%, then?
  Hmm…I appreciate your efforts and sincerity in this transaction. As a token of our cooperation, we accept your bid.
  token / 'tэukэn; `tokэn/ n
  1 sign, symbol or evidence of sth 表徵; 标志; 证据:
  * A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号。
  * These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 谨以此花聊表谢忱。
  2 disc like a coin used to operate certain machines or as a form of payment(用以启动某些机器或用作付款形式的)代币, 专用辅币:Tokens for the cigarette machine are available at the bar. 在柜台可以买到供自动售烟机使用的代币。
  * milk tokens, ie (in Britain) bought from the milkman and left on the doorstep to pay for the milk delivered牛奶票(送奶人出售的票证, 购者用以付送奶费, 可置于门外)。
  3 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词)voucher or coupon, usu attached to a greetings card, which can be exchanged for goods of the value shown赠券; 礼券:
  * a 10 `book/`record/`gift token 金额10英镑的书券[唱片券/礼券].
  in token of sth as evidence of sth 作为某事的证据:

  * Please accept this gift in token of our affection for you. 请接受这一礼物, 这是我们微薄的情意。

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43


  I'm sorry to say we can’t close business at that price. Aren't we old friends?
  Well, in view of our good cooperation over the past years, we can take some considerations, but only for this order.
  Then how much can you go down?
  1% off the original price.
  1%! Your reduction is too modest. What about 4%?
  1%! 你的降价幅度太小了。4%怎么样?
  Other companies are also saying that their products are the best.
  Let's meet each other half way. I’ll cut another 5%. That's definitely my rock bottom price.
  rock-`bottom n (used without a/the 不用a/the) lowest point 最低点:
  * Prices have reached rock-bottom. 物价已下降到最低点。
  * ,rock-bottom (ie bargain) `prices 最低的价格。
  All right. That's settled.
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