会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  Common Law 普通法
  Company directors 公司董事
  Company Secretary 公司秘书
  Company 公司
  Condition precedent 先决条件
  Conditions of Exchange 换地条款
  Conditions of Grant 批地条款
  Conditions of Sale 卖地条款
  Conditions 批地条款
  Consideration 代价
  Consul 领事
  Consular Officer 领事馆官员
  Contract for service 服务合约
  Contract of Sale 售卖合约
  Conversion 侵占
  copyright notice 版权通知
  Cost, insurance, freight CIF
  Counter-offer 反要约
  Court of Final Appeal 终审法院
  Creditor 债权人
  Creditor's Ordinary Resolution 债权人普通决议
  Creditor's Special Resolution 债权人会议特别决议
  creditors' committee 债权人委员会
  creditors' meeting 债权人的会议
  Creditors' Voluntary Winding 债权人自动清盘
  damage 损害
  damages 损害赔偿
  Debenture 债权证
  debt provable in bankruptcy or provable debt 可证债权或可证债项
  Debt Provable in Bankruptcy 可证债项
  debtor 债务人
  Deed of Mutual Covenant 大厦公契
  deed 契据
  digital signature 数码签署
  discharge 解除
  dispute resolution 和调解纠纷
  dividend 股息
  Document of Title to Goods 货品的所有权文件
  dormant 匿名或不活动
  drawee 受票人
  drawer 发票人
  Easement 地役权
  economic rights 经济权
  electronic record 电子纪录
  electronic signature 电子签署
  Equal Opportunity Commission 平等机会委员会
  Equitable Charge 公义式扺押
  Equitable Mortgage 公义式按揭
  Export 输出、出口
  Fault 错失
  Forfeiture 没收租权
  Freehold 永久业权
  Future goods 期货
  Gazette 宪报
  Government Chemist 政府化验师
  Government Land Resumption Ordinance 收回官地条例
  Government Lease 官地租契
  Group of Companies 公司集团
  hash function 杂凑函数
  Import 输入、进口
  Incumbrance 负累权益
  information system 资讯系统
  intellectual property rights 知识产权
页: [1]
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