会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  行政案件administrative case
  行政审判庭administrative tribunal
  行政诉讼administrative proceedings
  行政诉讼法Administrative Procedural Law
  宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death
  宣判笔录record of rendition of judgement
  选民资格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters
  询问证人inquire/question a witness
  讯问笔录record of interrogation
  询问犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect
  言词证据verbal evidence
  要求传唤证人申请书application for subpoena
  一裁终局arbitration award shall be final and binding
  一审trial of first instance
  一审案件case of trial of first instance
  应诉通知书notice of respondence to action
  有罪判决sentence; finding of “guilty”
  予审preliminary examinantion; pretrial
  院长court president
  阅卷笔录record of file review (by lawyers)
  再审案件case of retrial
  再审申请书petition for retrial
  责令具结悔过order to sign a statement of repentance
  债权人会议creditors' meeting
  侦查阶段investigation stage
  侦查终结conclusion of investigation
  征询原、被告最后意见consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant
  证据保全preserve evidence
  证据保全申请书application for evidence preservation
  证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit
  支付令payment order/warrant
页: [1]
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