会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12


  第十二条 最后验收
  1. 完工证明书颁发之后,承包商应提前××天将工厂性能测试的时间通知业主。
  2. 为使测试准时开始,业主应按附录×中的要求提供原料和其他设备,而承包商应按通知的时间开始性能测试。
  3. 性能测试将按附示×的规定进行。测试成功后,业主应签发一份最后验收证明书,证明工厂已从证书签发日起移交业主。
  4. 如果工厂未能通过性能测试,承包商在进行他认为必要的调整之后,应在业主在场的情况下重新进行测试,时间由双方商定,条件照旧。
  5. 在最后验收合格证书签发之前,工厂不得投入商业性运转。如工厂未能通过性能测试,业主仍可酌情颁发最后验收合格证书,条件是承包商必须尽快纠正工厂存在的问题。
  Article 12-Inspection
  1. Following the issue of the certificates of completion of erection the Contractor shall give the Owner (…) days notice of the date when he will be ready to carry out performance tests of the Plant.
  2. The Owner shall provide the feedstock and other facilities required in Appendix (…) to enable the tests to commence on time and the Contractor shall begin the performance tests at the time so notified.
  3. The performance tests will be carried out in acceptance with the provisions of Appendix (…) and on their successful completion, the Owner shall issue a final acceptance certificate stating that the Plant has been taken over by the Owner as from the date thereof.
  4. If the Plant fails to pass its performance test, then the Contractor, after making such adjustments as he considers necessary, shall repeat such tests in the presence of the Owner at a time to be agreed upon under the same terms and conditions as the original tests.
  5. The Plant shall not be commercially operated before the issue of the final acceptance certificate. Notwithstanding the failure of the Plant to pass its performance tests, the Owner may at his discretion issue a final acceptance certificate subject to the Contractor remedying the Plant defects as soon as possible.
  第十三条 违约赔偿金
  1. 如果由于承包商的原因导致性能测试的再次失败,而双方并无继续重新测试的协议,则对最后一次测试的结果进行评估。承包商将根据附录×的规定向业主支付违约赔偿费,费率不超过合同价格的××%。
  2. 如果承包商因自身的原因未能在合同生效后的×个月内获得整个工厂的最后验收合格证书,承包商须根据附录×的规定向业主每月支付相当于合同价格××%的拖延赔偿费,但最多不超过合同价格的××%。
  3. 承包商应根据附录×规定的格式开立一份以业主为受益人、金额为合同价格××%的保证书,作为其履行本条款项下义务的保证。
  Article 13-Inspection
  1. In the event of any repeat of a performance test failing for reasons imputable to the Contractor, and there being no mutual agreement to continue re-testing, the results of the final test will be measured and the Contractor will be liable to pay to the Owner liquidated damages on the scale set out in Appendix(…) up to a maximum of (…)% of the Contract Price.
  2. If the Contractor is unable for reasons within his control to obtain a final acceptance certificate for the whole Plant by(…) months from the effective date of this Contract, he shall be liable to pay to the Owner for each month's delay liquidated damages of(…)% of the Contract Price up to a maximum of (…)% of the Contract Price in accordance with Appendix(…).
  3. The Contractor shall establish, in favour of the Owner, a guarantee for(…)% of the Contract Price in the form set out in Appendix(…) in support of his obligations under this Article.
  第十四条 保修
  1. 承包商保证,在最后验收合格证书签发日起×个月内或本合同生效日期×个月内(以先到日期为准),所提供的工厂无设计、材料和工艺上的缺陷。
  2. 发现问题后,如果承包商的代表在现场工作,业主应在×天内按本条款以书面形式向承包商提出全部要求;如果承包商的代表不在现场,业主应在×天内以航空邮件将确证材料发往承包商总公司。承包商应更换或修理所有有缺陷的零部件。为此,应允许承包商随时自由出入工地,检查缺损部件,使其能履行本保修条款。如果承包商因某种特殊情况未能在适当期限内进行双方同意的补救工作,业主有权自行修复,但费用由承包商负担。
  3. 本保修的先决条件是,业主须按承包商的指示和具体规定的性能参数对工厂进行装备、操作和维护。如果业主未经承包商同意试图自行修正,则本保修条款无效。

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13


  4. 本保修条款不包括因自然损坏的物件,也不包括使用寿命不到×个月的消耗品或类似物件。
  5. 如果承包商遵照上更换任何设备、材料或工艺,则本保修条款的规定也适用于经修理或更换的设备、材料或工艺,期限为从修理或更换完成之日起1年。
  Article 14-Inspection
  1. The Contractor warrants, for a period of (…) months from the date of issue of the final acceptance certificate or(…) months from the effective date of this Contract whichever is the earlier, the supplied Plant against faulty design, material and workmanship.
  2. The Owner shall inform the Contractor in writing of all claims arising under this provision within(…)days of the detection of fault, if the Contractor's representative is on Site or within(…)days if not, to the Contractor's head office by telex r recorded air mail delivery with supporting data. The Contractor shall have the option to replace or repair all parts proved deficient. For this purpose the Contractor shall have the option to replace or repair all parts proved deficient. For this purpose the Contractor shall have an access to the Site to inspect the faulty parts at any time and to enable him to comply with the terms of this guarantee. Should the Contractor fail to carry out agreed remedial work within any period of time reasonable in the particular circumstance, the Owner shall have the right to do this work at the Contractor's expense.
  3. This warranty is given subject to the Owner storing, operating and maintaining the Plant in accordance with the Contractor's instructions and specified operating parameters and may be nullified in the event of the Owner attempting rectification work without the Contractor's agreement.
  4. This warranty does not include items which fail due to natural wear and tear, or consumables or similar items whose natural life is (…) months or less.
  5. If pursuant to the above warranty the Contractor repairs or replaces any equipment, materials or workmanship, the provisions of this Article shall them apply to said repaired or replaced equipment, materials or workmanship for a period of one year from the date such repairs or replacements are completed.
  第十五条 专利权和专利使用费
  1. 承包商应全力保护业主在使用其提供的工帮时免遭因侵犯第三方的专利、设计或版权而面临的诉讼、索赔、要求和各种费用。
  2. 如果承包商提供的工程设计、工厂设备的制造和供应以及在工程建造中实施的工作或使用的方法涉及了第三方的专利,他也应向终第三方支付按许可证或许可知要款规定应支付的所有费用、专利使用费和其他款项。但是,如果业主在经营或使用该厂或其中任何部分时涉及了第三方的专利,他应向第三方支付按许可证或许可条款规定应支付的所有费用、专利使用费和其他款项。
  Article 15-Patent Rights and Royalties
  1. The Contractor shall fully indemnify the Owner against all actions, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses arising from or incurred by reason of any infringement of patents, design or copyright of third parties by the use of the Plant supplied by the Contractor.
  2. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the payment to third parties of all fees, royalties and other charges, if and, that may be payable under the terms of any license or permission in respect of any design of the Works provided by the Contractor, the manufactured and supply of the Plant and any work done or method employed in the construction of the Works. However, the Owner shall be responsible for the payment to third parties of all fees, royalties and other charges, if any, that may be payable under the terms of any license or permission in respect of the operation or use of the Plant or any part thereof.
  第十六 暂停
  1. 业主有权随时向承包商发出书面通知,指示其暂停工程的任何部分或整个工程,如果暂停期超过×天,则按合同第×条规定作终止合同处理。
  2. 如果业主未能按照本合同在规定日期×天内向承包商支付任何款项,或者如果承包商因业主在履行合同上的失误而被中断或拖延了工程的进行,承包商有权暂停执行本合同。
  3. 如果工程按本条款规定暂停,承包商有权收取附加费用,以补偿由于此类暂停、中断和拖延,以及本合同的合理延期执行所造成的成本增加。

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:14


  Article 16-Suspension
  1. The Owner shall have the right to instruct the Contractor to suspend any part or the whole of the Works at any time upon giving written notice to the Contractor provided that any period of suspension exceeding (…) days shall be treated as termination under Article (×××)。
  2. If the Owner fails to make any payment to the Contractor under this Contract within (…) days of the due date, or if the Contractor is otherwise interrupted or delayed in the performance of the Works due to the Owner's contractual default, the Contractor shall be entitled to suspend performance of this Contract.
  3. In the event of suspension of the Works in accordance with this Article the Contractor shall be entitled to receive such reasonable additional payment as may be necessary to compensate for the additional costs arising out of such suspension, interruption or delay and such reasonable extension of time for performance of Contract.</p>
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