会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


  十三、The Stipulation for Shipping Terms 装运条款
  1.loading port and destinaltion装运港与目的港
  (1)despatch/shipment from Chinese port to… 从中国港口发送/装运往……
  (2)evidencing shipment from China to…CFR by steamer in transit Saudi Arabia not later than 15th July, 1987 of the goods specified below
  2.date of shipment 装船期
  bills of lading must be dated not later than August 15, 1987
  (2)shipment must be effected not later than(or on)July 30,1987 货物不得迟于(或于)1987年7月30日装运
  (3)shipment latest date… 最迟装运日期:……
  (4)evidencing shipment/despatch on or before… 列明货物在…年…月…日或在该日以前装运/发送
  (5)from China port to … not later than 31st August, 1987 不迟于1987年8月31日从中国港口至……
  3.partial shipments and transhipment 分运与转运
  (1)partial shipments are (not) permitted (不)允许分运
  (2)partial shipments (are) allowed (prohibited) 准许(不准)分运
  (3)without transhipment 不允许转运
  (4)transhipment at Hongkong allowed 允许在香港转船
  (5)partial shipments are permissible, transhipment is allowed except at… 允许分运,除在……外允许转运
  (6)partial/prorate shipments are perimtted 允许分运/按比例装运
  (7)transhipment are permitted at any port against, through B/lading 凭联运提单允许在任何港口转运
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