会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


  (1)that are returned to you是定语从句,修饰前面的checks
  (2)where your money was spent是介词of的宾语从句
  (3)serve (as):to act in a particular capacity:
  例:serve as a clerk作为职员
  You would need to have a permanent address in the city, and you would also be asked to supply the name of a permanent resident who is willing to recommend you. 你须有市区的常住地址,并提供一位愿意作为你开户介绍人的常住居民的名字。
  (2)a permanent address永久居住的地址
  (3) a permanent resident永久居住的居民
  Whenever checks were received for payment, the bank would file them by number in your folder and compare the signatures with the one on your card. 当银行收到你的支票要求付款时,它将按账号存放在你的账夹内,并将签字与你预留印鉴卡上的签字核对。
  (1)by number按(账号)号码
  (3)the one on your (signature) card预留印鉴卡上的签字
  the one:the signature
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查看完整版本: 支票账户(词汇详解)2