会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06


  1.Banks provide most of the credit our economy needs by making loans to enterprises, individuals and governments.银行通过向企业、个人和政府发放贷款,提供我国国民经济所需的大部分信贷资金。
  (1)(credit) our economy needs我国国民经济所需的(信贷资金)
  (2)economy n.①the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community经济体:国家、地区或群体的经济活动体系和范围
  例:Effects of inflation were felt at every level of the economy.
  ②a specific type of economic system经济制度:特定经济体系类型
  例:an industrial economy; a planned economy.
  (3)by making loans to enterprises, individuals and governments是介词短语,在句中做状语。
  by prep. with the use or help of; through借助于;通过
  (4)making (loans to…)是动名词,做介词by的宾语。
  2.The interest that borrowers pay for their loans or for their notes discounted forms the major source of banks' income.借款人支付贷款或贴现票据的利息形成了银行主要收入的来源。
  (1)(interest) that borrowers pay for their loans or for their notes discounted是定语从句,修饰前面的先行词interest。
  (2)(notes) discounted是过去分词,做后置定语,修饰前面的notes。
  discount vi.to lend money after deduction of interest贴现;减息贷款:在扣除利息后贷款
  (3)form vt.to constitute or compose a usually basic element, part, or characteristic of"构成成",在句中做"谓语"。
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 银行业务:银行贷款与贴现(词汇详解)