会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55


  gross proceeds 总收益
  gross proceeds from sales 销售总收入
  gross profit 毛利;溢利总额
  gross receipt 总收入
  gross return 总收益
  gross trading income 营业总收入
  group account 集团帐目
  group consolidated balance sheet 集团综合资产负债表
  group loss relief 对集团的亏损给予税项宽免
  Group of Seven 七大工业国
  Group of Seven leaders 七大工业国元首
  Group of Ten 十国集团;十国财团组织
  group tax relief 集团税项宽减
  group trading system 集体贸易制度
  grow at a respectable pace 有可观的增长;有不俗的增长率
  Growth Enterprise Market Department 创业板部〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕
  growth momentum 增长劲力
  growth movement 增长趋势
  growth path 增长线;增长途径
  growth rate of domestic export 本地产品出口增长率
  growth with stability 稳步增长
  guarantee 担保;保证
  guarantee company 担保公司;保证公司
  guarantee corporation 保证法团
  guarantee deposit and margin paid 缴付的保证按金
  guarantee deposit and margin received 存入的保证按金
  guarantee fund 保证基金;担保基金
  Guarantee Law 《担保法》
  guarantee of bank loan 银行贷款保证
  guarantee of due payment 付款保证书
  Guarantee Scheme 担保计划〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕
  guaranteed benefit 保证利益
  guaranteed debenture 保付债权证
  guaranteed line of credit 保证贷款限额
  guaranteed note 保证票据;保证单;担保债券
  guaranteed surrender value 保证退保现金价值
  guarantor 保证人;担保人
  guardian 监护人
  Guide for Directors of Listed Companies 《上市公司董事指引》
  Guide to Applicants 《认可机构开业与经营指引》〔香港金融管理局〕
  guideline figure 准则数字
  Guideline on Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading 《杠杆式外汇买卖指引》
  Guideline on Minimum Criteria for Authorization 《认可的最低准则的指引》
  Guideline on Recognition of Interest 《确认利息收入指引》〔香港金融管理局〕
  guideline ratio 准则比率
  Guidelines for the Exemption of Listed Companies from the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance 《豁免上市公司遵守〈证券(披露权益)条例〉的指引》
  Guidelines for the Exemption of Listed Companies from the Share Repurchase Requirements of S.49BA of the Companies Ordinance 《豁免上市公司遵守〈公司条例〉第49BA条股份购回规定的指引》
  guiding exchange rate 指导性汇率
  Gulf Cooperation Council 海湾合作委员会
  Gunma Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 群马财务(香港)有限公司
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