会计考友 发表于 2012-8-16 14:10:48


  1. J'ai vu six sots su?ant six cent six saucisses, six en sauce et six cents sans sauce.
  2. La grosse cloche sonne.考试论坛
  3. Douze douches douces.
  4. Si six cents couteaux-scies scient, en six, six cent six saucisses, la cuisine est sale.
  5. Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse.
  6. Si ton tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu par ton tonton.
  7. Sachez, mon cher Sasha, que Natasha n'attacha pas son chat!
  8. Papier, panier, piano.
  9. Seize chaises sèchent.
  10. La robe rouge de Rosalie est ravissante.
  Rough Translations
  1.I saw six silly people sucking six hundred six sausages, six in sauce and six hundred without sauce.
  2.The big bell is ringing.
  3.Twelve sweet showers.
  4.If six hundred serrated knives cut six hundred six sausages in six, the kitchen is dirty.
  5.The rolling stone gathers no moss.
  6.If your uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved by your uncle.
  7.Know, dear Sasha, that Natasha doesn't fasten her cat!
  8.Paper, basket, piano.
  9.Sixteen chairs are drying.
  10.Rosalie's red dress is ravishing.
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