会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43


1.All of us know, color-blind people often find it difficult to __ between blue and green. A separate   B distinguish    C compare   D contrast

2.Many artists predict that this brilliant young actor __ to be a shinning star.
A destines   B will be destined   C is destined    D has been destined

3.The local government leaders are making every effort to __ the problem of poverty.
A abolish    B tackle    C remove    D encounter

4.His companions have threatened to__ his crimes to the police.
A impose    B express      C enclose   D expose

5.All their __ have been shown up by their own deeds.
A debates   B decorations   C deductions   D deceptions

1. distinguish “辨别,区别”,既可用于distinguish one thing from another, 也可以用于distinguish between two things.例如The twins are so much alike that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other.
separate“使分离,分开,隔开”通常与from连用。England is separated from France by the English Channel.
Compare比较,用于compare …with…结构中,如Nobody can compare with Shakespeare as a playwright of tradgedies.
Contrast对比,对照;His actions contrast sharply with his promises.

be destined to sth (to do sth)“命定,注定”由于该短语本身含有表示将来的因素,故无需使用将来时。

talked“对付,处理”The computer can be programmed to tackle a whole variety of tasks.
abolish“废止,取消”There are many bad customs that ought to be abolished.
Remove “移动,搬开” Remove my name from your mailing list.
encounter“碰到,遇到”The government encountered a strong storm of protest over the decision.

expose “揭露,暴露”后跟介词to, Don’t expose it to the sun.
Impose,后常跟介词on/upon,意为“把……强加于”Don’t try to impose your wishes on us.
Express表达 I cannot fully express the debt I owe to her.
enclose“包围,圈起”The housewives are enclosed in a world of drab routine.

deception欺骗,骗术 This deception shall cost him dear.
debate辩论,讨论,思考I debated the idea in my mind until I fell asleep.
Decoration装饰,装设品He spent quite a large sum of money fro the decoration of his house.
Deduction扣除,推论No deduction in pay is made for leave of absence due to illness.
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