会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43


  1. The____amongst the world’s scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.
  A. consent
  B. consensus
  C. conscience
  D. consciousness
  2. The destruction of the mosque has____anger throughout the Muslim world.
  A. provoked
  B. irritated
  C. inspired
  D. hoisted
  3. The country was on the____of becoming prosperous and successful.
  A. margin
  B. verge
  C. border
  D. fringe
  4. He divided up his property and gave a____to each of his children.
  A. ration
  B. allocation
  C. quota
  D. Portion
  5. When he heard that he had lost all the money he possessed in stock market, the iron entered into his____ .
  A. heart
  B. flesh
  C. soul
  D. arm
  1. 【B】consent: permission to do something or an agreement about something
  consensus: an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
  conscience: the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong
  consciousness: your mind and your thoughts
  2. 【A】provoke: to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one
  irritate: to make someone feel annoyed or impatient, especially by doing something many times or for a long period of time
  inspire: to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something
  hoist: to raise, lift, or pull up something, especially using ropes
  3. 【B】be on the verge of something: to be at the point where something is about to happen
  margin: the empty space at the side of a page
  border: the official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the area close to this line
  fringe: (Br.E)if you have a fringe, your hair is cut so that it hangs down over your forehead(“bangs” for Am.E)
  4. 【D】ration: a fixed amount of something that people are allowed to have when there is not enough, for example during a war
  allocation: the amount or share of something that has been allocated for a particular purpose
  quota: an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period
  portion: a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts
  5. 【C】the iron entered into one’s soul 心如刀绞
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