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[专四辅导] 英语专业四级考试词汇语法题训练96

发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. The____amongst the world’s scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.
& N  y, I/ z2 }/ ]3 q  @! D  A. consent
/ o( s, I! D  G2 l  B. consensus9 h$ c' a( U# p: T( V
  C. conscience  c- i2 C& `. n2 G- S0 h
  D. consciousness2 U, e4 l! I0 Q- `; [
  2. The destruction of the mosque has____anger throughout the Muslim world.
" r1 T- @( I( o, \  A. provoked) ^  q0 n* I0 D' O1 k
  B. irritated
' v7 i4 w  A  H& d  C. inspired7 ~7 z8 o. O7 a+ f
  D. hoisted* c7 \9 t8 `! m9 N( V1 G9 O1 ]
  3. The country was on the____of becoming prosperous and successful.
- f+ I1 l' F) q  A. margin4 p1 x$ J2 F, V! m
  B. verge
9 y& z6 h/ N* _; g9 _! T  C. border# k" p( t) z! D& `8 S0 v( U- `
  D. fringe
3 f( ^2 i4 o. K  4. He divided up his property and gave a____to each of his children.8 ^8 x4 I! u/ v0 x8 I8 V
  A. ration
5 q- D4 t% ]" c, a3 E  B. allocation+ L/ A# o7 I) V
  C. quota5 P( D0 s* F% t: q" V
  D. Portion, }5 f) ^, I5 _8 x. q3 A8 m
  5. When he heard that he had lost all the money he possessed in stock market, the iron entered into his____ .2 Y# O' d3 i( B
  A. heart
. G8 n8 }0 V, ?. s1 |. l  B. flesh
# L( S) W  u6 y" Q' _  C. soul
' K% Q& f  }) Z* o2 l: T# c+ l  D. arm
4 V* [* H) T8 H  p* y+ z* i  R  答案:BABDC
2 l9 C$ r/ F" B( Y2 n" j5 t  这一次生词的解释采用的是英译英的方式,flyideal敲的时候也是花了很长时间才弄好的。虽然看起来会比中文的要费劲,但目的是提倡大家在学单词,尤其是单词辨析的时候能学会从英语本身的意思来辨别,这样更准确,记得也更牢固。P.S.有些单词的解释只是其中一个义项,大家要勤动手,多查字典啊~~3 W2 Q) y; q: @' ^2 U
  1. 【B】consent: permission to do something or an agreement about something5 K0 F8 L4 F6 @: x9 ?4 D6 _8 L
  consensus: an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
4 n7 V0 A2 P3 a2 J' x3 h$ O  [7 P  conscience: the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong; ^+ x6 w( g/ G/ V+ V# g( W0 z
  consciousness: your mind and your thoughts
4 d$ l7 }! \* K, K. m' I  2. 【A】provoke: to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one
  G; y, \# K8 L+ _, O9 `  g- F  irritate: to make someone feel annoyed or impatient, especially by doing something many times or for a long period of time9 C8 Y7 D  ?" _& b% a7 e' B" _
  inspire: to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something
' W/ T/ f8 t* ^" s  hoist: to raise, lift, or pull up something, especially using ropes
8 X$ C/ O% v8 r% K. q: S  3. 【B】be on the verge of something: to be at the point where something is about to happen$ U7 D) @, m8 D9 ]8 j; m2 D
  margin: the empty space at the side of a page& E, \5 i! U4 J& ?/ [( `
  border: the official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the area close to this line" {( ]- X& y# D6 p; p5 F. i, J
  fringe: (Br.E)if you have a fringe, your hair is cut so that it hangs down over your forehead(“bangs” for Am.E)" v$ m0 j) m/ T1 I1 H5 K
  4. 【D】ration: a fixed amount of something that people are allowed to have when there is not enough, for example during a war
. E' ]6 `9 P) ?% p  allocation: the amount or share of something that has been allocated for a particular purpose
; w( H; j! n. x8 K1 O! y( G  quota: an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period' |: K& a5 Y2 ?: p  }
  portion: a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts; `" W" t+ [+ f4 \- r5 Y
  5. 【C】the iron entered into one’s soul 心如刀绞

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