会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45


  52. It was suggested that all government ministers should _____ information on their financial interests.
   A discover
   B uncover
   C tell
   D disclose   
  53. As my exams are coming next week, I’ll take advantage of the weekend to _____ on some reading.
   A catch up
   B clear up
   C make up
   D pick up 
  54. I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms. It’s not like either of them to bear a _____.  
  A. disgust
  B. curse
  C. grudge
  D. hatred  
  55. Mary hopes to be _____ from hospital next week.
  A. dismissed
  B. discharged
  C. expelled
  D. resigned
  56. Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite _____.
  A. invaluable
  B. priceless
  C. unworthy
  D. worthless
  辨析:•discover --- reveal or expose
  • uncover --- manifest or disclose; reveal:
  • tell --- discover by observation; discern:
  • disclose --- make known (something heretofore kept secret)
  辨析:•catch up on --- bring an activity nearer to completion: I must catch up on my correspondence.
  • clear up --- make tidy: Clear up this litter at once.
  • make up --- make up for, make up along, make up over, make up to
  • pick up --- take into the mind and understand, typically with speed: picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.
  辨析:•disgust -- profound aversion or repugnance excited by something offensive: arouse [ awaken / cause / evoke] disgust; feel disgust; hide disgust; return disgust; show disgust; take a disgust
  • curse --- an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone or something: call down curse; give curse; heap curses on; pronounce a curse on
  • grudge --- a deep-seated feeling of resentment or rancor: bear a grudge about the accident: bear a grudge
  • hatred --- intense animosity or hostility: bear sb. hatred; bear hatred against sb.; conceive a profound hatred for; create hatred; feel hatred; hold a special hatred for; have a hatred for
  辨析:dismiss --- end the employment or service of; discharge; allow to leave: be dismissed from school
  discharge --- release, as from confinement, care, or duty: discharge a patient; discharge a soldier; be discharged from hospital
  expel --- force to leave; deprive of membership: expelled the student from college for cheating: be expelled from a country
  resign --- give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification: resign from cabinet The professor resigned from his university. Resign … to …
  辨析:•invaluable --- of inestimable value; priceless:
  priceless --- of inestimable worth; invaluable.
  unworthy --- lacking value or merit; worthless --- a man unworthy of honor; unworthy of the times in which we live; unworthy to attention
  worthless --- lacking worth; of no use or value: The goods are often worthless by the time they arrive.
  [注意]:invaluable 不是valuable的反义词。表示某物毫无价值时用worthless 或not worth anything : I started collecting his pictures when they weren’t worth anything.
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