会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45


  PARTⅠ [15 MIN.]

  Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your ANSWER SHEET.

  We all know that a magician does not really depend on “magic” to perform his tricks, but on his ability to act at great speed. ___ 1___, this does not prevent us from enjoying watching a magician ___ 2___ rabbits from a hat. ___ 3___ the greatest magician of all time was Harry Houdini who died in 1926. Houdini mastered the art of ___ 4___. He could free himself from the tightest knots or the most complicated locks in seconds. ___ 5___ no one really knows how he did this, there is no doubt ___ 6___ he had made a close study of every type of lock ever invented. He liked to carry a small steel needlelike tool strapped to his leg and he used this in place of a key. Houdini once asked the Chicago police to lock him in prison. They ___ 7 ___ him in chains and locked him up, but he freed himself___8____ an instant. The police ___ 9___ him of having used a tool and locked him up again. This time he wore no clothes and there were chains round his neck, waist, wrists, and legs; but he again escaped in a few minutes. Houdini had probably hidden his “needle” in a wax like ___10____ and dropped it on the floor in the passage. ___ 11___ he went past, he stepped on it so that it stuck to the bottom of his foot. His most famous escape, however, was ___ 12___ astonishing. He was heavily chained up and enclosed in an empty wooden chest, the lid of ___13____ was nailed down. The ___ 14___ was dropped into the sea in New York harbor. In one minute Houdini had swum to the surface. When the chest was___ 15___, it was opened and the chains were found inside.

1. A. GenerallyB. However C. Possibly    D. Likewise

2. A. to produce B. who producesC. produce D. how to produce

3.A. Out of the question    B. ThoughC. Probably    D. Undoubted 

4. A. escaping    B. lockingC. openingD. dropping

5. A. Surprisingly    B. Obviously    C. PerhapsD. Although

6. A. if    B. whetherC. as toD. that

7. A. involved    B. closedC. connectedD. bound

8. A. at    B. byC. inD. for

9. A. ridB. chargedC. accusedD. deprived

10. A. candle    B. mud    C. something    D. substance

11. A. As    B. UsuallyC. Maybe    D. Then

12. A. overall    B. all butC. no longerD. altogether

13. A. itB. which    C. thatD. him

14. A. chest    B. bodyC. lid    D. chain
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