会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  Lehman shares dip in spite of earnings surge
  雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)昨日公布,公司第二季度收益大增47%,但其股价却大幅下挫,原因是投资者担心波动较大的市场和不断上升的利率,会中止华尔街投行近来利润大增的趋势。
  Lehman Brothers yesterday reported a 47 per cent jump in second-quarter earnings but its shares fell sharply amid investor fears that volatile markets and rising interest rates could cut into Wall Street's recent run of blockbuster profits.
  The Wall Street bank said it earned $1bn, or $1.69 a share, in the second quarter, up from $683m, or $1.13 a share, a year earlier. Strong fixed-income trading results offset a sharp drop in debt-underwriting revenue.
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查看完整版本: 每日翻译:雷曼第2季度收益大增47%