会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  For over 900 years, the Tower of London has served as a loyal __1__
  palace and fortress. Today, it's famous for its bloody history and
  for being the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.But it has served
  for other purposes, too. It has been the royal arsenal, royal mint, __2__
  royal observatory or even the royal zoo. The site of the Tower was __3__
  originally part of the Roman city of Londinium.
  But, in 1066, a foreigner from north west France became King William __4__
  of Britain, he ordered that a wooden castle built on the banks of __5__
  the river Thames. The purpose of this fortress was to help secure
  London, the most important city in his view realm. Ten years later,
  William had the fortress rebuild in stone, and created a great __6__
  fortified palace with walls three metre thick. Today, this building __7__
  is known as the White Tower, and it stands in the centre of a much
  larger stone fortress, which was built during later centuries. The
  Tower now covers the area of seven hectares, and it stands near the __8__
  busy financial district of the capital. But, once inside the high stone
  walls, it's easy to forget the modern world outside and to take a
  trip back through history. To help visitors explore, there are special
  ceremonial guards, called Yeoman Warders. They are also known as
  Beefeaters, and they are the best resource of information about the __9__
  Tower's history. Nearly 40 Yeoman live and work in the Tower.
  They are former soldiers who earned the privilege of serving as __10__
  Yeoman after long service.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11


  serve the purpose 的意思是“适用,有……的用途”,不需要介词for。如:
  I don't really think that this piece of furniture serves any useful purpose.
  the royal zoo 和前面的the royal arsenal, royal mint, royal observatory都是并列项,所以在最后一项之前应该用and。
  原句其实有两个分句, a foreigner from north west France became King William of Britain 和 he ordered that a wooden castle built on the banks of the river Thames,两个分句之间缺少了连词连接。根据逻辑关系,这里应该用表示时间的连接词 when。
  动词order后面的that从句可以是be型虚拟语气,也可以是情态助动词should。所以可以说order that a castle should be built或者order that a castle be bulit。在后一种表达中,表被动的助动词be不能省略。
  这里出现的词组应该是have something done,意思是要求别人做某事。
  an area of seven hectares这是一个同位语词组,area前应该用不定冠词。
  resource是“资源”,source是“来源”,所以应该说 a source of information, a source of illness, a source of knowledge等。
  显然earned the privilege of serving as Yeoman这个动作的结果是延续到现在的,应该用现在完成体。
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