会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  Thirty or forty years ago, when most mothers in
  the United States didn't have jobs, ,homes were busier
  places. Children went to school from 9 A.M to 3 P.M.
  and spent the most of the time in the house under their__1__
  mother's watchful eyes. Children played, watched TV,
  and did homework, and while they weren't in the house, __2__
  they were outside in the front or backyard or playing
  nearly with other neighborhood children.
  Though this situation still exists in some communities
  today, it is becoming rarer and rarer as more and more
  mothers have work inside the home. These "two-income__3__
  families" create a different kind of home—one that is a
  place to stop temporarily in the midst of a busy schedule __4__
  of activities. Because working parents often leave the house
  by 8 A.M and return at 5 or 6 P.M, children go to school
  and then a series of highly-programmed after-school activities.__5__
  So when school lets out for two or three weeks at New Year's
  time, many parents may face with a troubling situation.__6__
  Some researches show the kind of child-care problem
  the holidays can have for busy parents. Even in those families __7__
  in which the mother is home, there is often many active __8__
  neighborhood full of children playing since most of the other
  children are involved in activities. This results from the irony __9__
  of both parents and children anxiously look forward to the end__10__
  of their vacation.

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11


  1. most→ rest:根据上下文,应表达“除了上学以外的时间”。
  2. while→ when / if :逻辑分析,此处应为假设的时间关系,不是简单的同步时间关系。
  3. inside→ outside:根据上下文的意思,应该是“越来越多的母亲在外面工作”
  4. 在stop后加by:stop by表示途中短暂的访问,歇脚,休息等;符合下文的 temporarily in the midst of a busy schedule of activities。
  5. 在then和a之间加to:与上文的go to关联,实际为 children go to school
  and then (go to) a series of highly-programmed after-school activities.
  6. 删除face后的with:此处face为及物动词
  7. have→ create:have表示“拥有,存在”,create强调“出现,产生,引起”。此处是指因为假期而引起和出现照料孩子的问题
  8. many→ no/ few:根据上下文逻辑分析,几乎没有可以供孩子到处玩乐的街区存在。
  9. from→ in:result from意思是“起因于”,result in意思是“其结果是........”
  10. look→ looking:现在分词短语做定语,修饰both parents and children
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