会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  Adam Smith, writter in the 1770s, was the first peson to
  see the importance of the division of labor and to explain
  part of its advantage. He gives as an example the process
  which pins were made in England."One man draws out __1__
  the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points
  it, a fifth grinds it at the top to prepare it to receive the head.
  To make the head require two or three distinct operations. To__2__
  pur it on is a separate operation, to publish the pins is another.
  It is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper. And the
  important business of making pins are, in the manner, divided__3__
  into about eighteen distinct operations, which in some factories
  are all performed by different people, though in other the same __4__
  man will sometimes perform two of three of them." Ten men,
  Smith said, in this way, turned twelve pounds of pins a day or__5__
  about 4800 pins apiece. But if all of them had worked
  seperatel and dependently without division of labor, they__6__
  certainly could not each of them have twenty pins in a day
  and perhaps not even one. There can be no doubt that
  division of labor, provide that it is not taken too far, is an __7__
  efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make
  more pins. Adam Smith saw this but he also took them for__8__
  granted that division of labor is in itself responsible for
  the economic growth and development and that it accounts __9__
  for the difference between expanding economies and those
  that stand still. But division of labor adds something new; it __10__
  only enables people to produce more of what they already have.
  which的先行词是the process, 必须通过(by) the process生产pin。而不是the process本身
  2. require—requires
  主语为不定式to make the head,谓语动词应为第三人称单数一般现在时
  3. are—is
  主语为the important business of
  4. other—others
  others是代词,代指other factories
  5. 在turned后加out
  turn out 是习语,意为“生产出.......”
  6. dependently—independently
  7. provide—provided/providing = on condition(that)
  8. them—it
  习语take it for granted
  9. 去掉the
  抽象名词在用来表示它的一般概念时常不用冠词;即使前面有一段描绘性的定语,也多不加冠词,growth 和development 正属于抽象名词
  10. something—nothing
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