会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10


  *人间: human world; mortal world
  *White Snake Spirit and Green Snake Spirit metamorphosed themselves into two beautiful girls and ventured into the human world.
  *与……相爱: fall in love with
  *书生: intellectual; scholar
  *生:生育 give birth to
  *White Snake fell in love with a young scholar, married him and gave birth to a son.
  *禅师:Master, the title of a Buddhist monk
  *禅师法海: Fahai, a Buddhist monk; a monk by the Buddhist title of Fahai; a monk by the name of Fahai。 法:法力 Dharma power; supernatural power。法海: the enormous power of Dharma
  *结合: combine;link;unite; union, marriage
  *违反: violate; in violation of; break; be against
  *传统婚姻: conventional or traditional marriage
  * 伤风败俗: corrupt public morals; harm social morals; moral degeneration
  * Fahai, a Buddhist monk, regarded their union as a violation of conventional marriages and a degeneration of moral standards.
  他气急败坏, 于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。
  *气急败坏: in rage; be enraged; wrathful; furious;exasperate; in uncontrolled anger
  *神兵神将: divine troops from heaven
  *前来:come around 此处无需翻译
  *捉拿:arrest; catch; capture
  *镇压:用强力压制suppress;quell; 处死execute;
  * 此处指幽禁;囚禁;禁闭,把……关在塔底不许出来。
  *confine her to the bottom of a pagoda; incarcerate(监禁)her beneath a pagoda
  * Much enraged, he sent divine troops from heaven to capture White Snake, incarcerating her underneath a pagoda by using his magical powers.
  后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔, 救出白蛇精。
  * 修炼: (of Buddhists and Taoists) go into religious discipline; practice austerities(苦行); practice spiritual power
  *习武:practice martial arts/wushu
  *修炼,习武:两组词可以放在一块说,train oneself in /practice magic power and martial arts
  *砸烂:smash, topple
  *白蛇精:根据传说是青蛇的主人,故处理成女主人mistress 以反映中国文化,交代清楚二者的关系。
  * For many years afterwards, Green Snake hid herself in the remote mountains to vigorously practice magic power and martial arts and in the end succeeded in toppling the pagoda and rescuing her mistress.
  *至此: up to now; so far; by now
  *团聚: 聚会gather; 人或物在分离后重聚 reunite
  *得(以):so that…may(can)…be able to;so as to;
  *By now White Snake was able to reunite with /join her husband and son/her family.
  * 在《白》剧中:要么译成in the White Snake ,要么译成 in the opera
  *赋予: endow…with…; give; bestow; assume。例如:
  *一些古老的风俗习惯被赋予了崭新的内容。Some ancient customs and habits have assumed brand-new meanings.
  *The snake in the opera assumes a noble personality /human nature.
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查看完整版本: 翻译练习:大学英语八级汉译英练习5白蛇传