会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21


  1. 答案:basic (或 fundamental)
  【详细解答】 在谈到Physiological needs时,录音中说“In this hierarchy of needs, at the most basic level physiological needs”,由此可知,此处应填写basic 或 fundamental。
  2. 答案:safety
  【详细解答】 当录音中说到“Then what is the next level of needs?”我们就应集中注意力听下文,“ At the next level are safety needs,...”由此可知,此处应填写safety。
  3. 答案:emotional
  【详细解答】 紧接上题,录音解释了safety needs所包含的内容“...the things we require for physical and emotional security.”
  4. 答案:worries
  【详细解答】 根据录音中提到的“We have worries, what we find may lost my job, what we find ...”,此处应填写worries。
  5. 答案:pension
  【详细解答】 在谈到解决safety needs的方法时,录音中说到“...safety needs may be satisfied through job security, health insurance, pension plan and safe working conditions.” 故此处应填写pension。
  6. 答案:work
  【详细解答】 在谈到esteem needs时,录音中说“The esteem of others is the respect and recognition we gain from other people, by or through our work or our achievements and worth.” 故此处应填写work。
  7. 答案:variable
  【详细解答】 在谈到self-realization needs时,录音中说“The means of satisfying them tend to vary greatly with the individual.” 故此处应填写variable。
  8. 答案:human
  详细解答:由上下文可知,social,esteem and self-realization needs 应该是 human needs。
  9. 答案:motivation
  【详细解答】 根据录音中提到的“In general, they are motivated by the needs at the lowest level that remain unsatisfied ...”,此处应填写motivation。
  10. 答案:coexist
  【详细解答】 根据录音中提到的“But any physiological and safety needs that remain unsatisfied will keep playing an important role.”,此处应填写coexist
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 2003年英语专业八级考试答案及解析(3)