会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 19:56:54


1.fly off the handle  突然失去控制而勃然大怒
例句:My wife spent all afternoon yesterday cooking a special dinner for our wedding anniversary. So she really flew off the handle when I came home three hours late.
2.bark up the wrong tree  直译是狗叫错了树,翻译过来意思是找错门了
例句:If my brother-in-law hopes to borrow any more money from me, he will be barking up the wrong tree.
3.right on the beam  一个人做某件事做的很对
例句:I thought Mr.Claghorn’s speech was right on the beam last night! Just like he says, we need to spend more money on educating our children. He makes a lot of sense to me.
4.fly by the seat of my pants 在做某件事的时候没有明确的指导,也缺乏足够的知识
例句:When Jones started up business in a new town, he didn’t know anybody, so he had to fly by the seat of his pants.
5.keep one’s shirt on 劝告别人要有耐心,不要太紧张了
例句:Keep your shirt on, Harry; we have plenty of time to catch the train.
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