会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:15:45


 Task 5:借鉴dragon.1397同学.
  “Listening: The man has a problem. This year is his calculus prof.'s first teaching. He isn't used to his way of explaining... The prof. teaches too fast, he gets confused. Two solutions: 1. He says he can switch to another calculus section, but has to take it in the evening when he wants to do homework or hang out with friends. 2. He also says he can organize a study group to discuss what they learnt after class. But it'll cost extra time.”
  Task 6: (isolated/abandon反正就是这些意思说麻麻不管崽崽的)parenting way of mammals.说有的哺乳动物带崽崽时时刻刻在身边,但是有的就一天管一次,这样会更好.原因有2.the first one is aviod attracting predators' attention by lessen the time of checking their babies. for ex, like deer, they will hide their babies under grass.the second one is nutrition is enough from one meal per day. ex, rabbit.
  Section 4 Writingwww.Examw.com
  The cause of death of birds on the New Years night
  Reading: the Firework
  1. the time is coincident. (match). witness saw birds fell down when the firework start
  2. no other evidence shows poisoned or disease. should be impact.
  3. red-winged blackbird has bad eye sight.在firework受惊之后乱飞,会自己撞自己
  Lecture: refute the reading
  1. out of town也死了一大批鸟,它们又没被firework爆,它们为毛也挂了,你不能乱赖firework啊
  2.可能是wind或者air pressure 把他们刮到地上的,有人目击了鸟儿们摔死在地上
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