会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  Lesson 13 A Tough Case 棘手的个案
  apprehension n. 担心,害怕;理解
  apprehensive adj. 恐惧的,忧虑的,担心的
  approach n. 方法; vt. 接近,靠近;探讨
  appropriate adj. 适当的,恰当的;vt. 拨款
  approve vt. 批准;vi. 赞成,同意
  approval n. 赞成,正式批准
  approximate v. 接近,近似;adj. 大约的,估计的
  apt adj. (习性)易于。。。的,有。。。倾向的,善于的;恰当的,贴切的
  aptitude n. 才能;自然倾向
  aquatic adj. 水生的,水栖的,水中或水上的
  aquarium n. 水族馆
  arable adj. 适于耕作的,可耕的
  arbitrary adj. 专横的,专制的,武断的
  arbitrator n. 仲裁者
  arbitration n. 调停,仲裁
  arboreal adj. 树栖的;树的;乔木的
  archaic adj. 古代的,古老的,陈旧的,过时的
  archetype adj. 原型,典型
  ardent adj. 热烈投入的,极热心的
  ardor n. 激情,狂热

  arduous adj. 费力的,艰难的

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06


</p>  For the last 20 years, I've worked as a arbitrator of disputes involving land. Arbitration is an arduous process that requires patience. Both parties in a dispute are typically ardent about their opinions. It's this state of ardor that makes it difficult to approach a satisfactory solution. Fortunately, I have the aptitude for understand's people's needs and finding an appropriate solution that satisfies the approximate requirements of both sides.
  The parties who approve me to judge their case know that I'm apt to make a fair and reasonable decision, not an arbitray one. This knowledge tends to lower the apprehension of both parties. I find that if the parties are less apprehensive, they are more cooperative. But no case is easy. There's always a sticking point.
  Presently, I'm working on a dispute between an old farmer and the government. The old farmer owns a piece of arable land on which he has grown fruit trees for 25 years. He wants to keep his land just as it is, not only because of his trees , but also due to the arboreal life it supports. The government believes that the old man's farming methods are archaic and not a productive use of the land. They want approval to use farmer's land to build a huge high-tech public aquarium. They want to display unique aquatic creatures to help educate the public. The government plans to make this project the archetype for all future public aquariums.
  Well, it's going to be a tough case. In fact, it may be my toughest case yet.
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