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[托福词汇] 第13期托福英语学习:托福词汇13

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson 13 A Tough Case 棘手的个案
. Y3 G& ~$ }8 Q5 y' y1 b  Words:
, p( p- t4 K2 c$ u0 \# U  apprehension n. 担心,害怕;理解
) n8 Y6 a9 b2 O1 q+ e8 u1 ^6 P  apprehensive adj. 恐惧的,忧虑的,担心的5 g6 E6 }" C: ^
  approach n. 方法; vt. 接近,靠近;探讨
8 L/ I. ]  R) I& T  appropriate adj. 适当的,恰当的;vt. 拨款% ^) x# T. H5 M
  approve vt. 批准;vi. 赞成,同意) I& G3 |& U+ H. _  K; N8 H
  approval n. 赞成,正式批准
* d' I- f' G! z1 s  approximate v. 接近,近似;adj. 大约的,估计的
: y4 X* T$ @; T7 \- o* ]  apt adj. (习性)易于。。。的,有。。。倾向的,善于的;恰当的,贴切的% _* H( k  E# v( [( J$ n
  aptitude n. 才能;自然倾向
& q" C* a3 V8 l9 U  aquatic adj. 水生的,水栖的,水中或水上的4 B0 v1 X8 k" I: A$ X6 h
  aquarium n. 水族馆
4 _4 w! O) o0 K+ {$ u% d  arable adj. 适于耕作的,可耕的# @, u0 J; o: o! W( G5 p+ [  i# n
  arbitrary adj. 专横的,专制的,武断的! T3 [1 S  d! l5 Y7 u! c* U& V/ S
  arbitrator n. 仲裁者7 m! y3 g" V% v( X1 z, ^. Y
  arbitration n. 调停,仲裁5 X/ W; W  M! o; y2 b6 ]
  arboreal adj. 树栖的;树的;乔木的7 D' K5 V/ X- F) |
  archaic adj. 古代的,古老的,陈旧的,过时的
4 |5 B; M- t$ q/ p: x0 ^# m  archetype adj. 原型,典型! e! s5 J* Z& \6 [' |
  ardent adj. 热烈投入的,极热心的" N- \8 G2 }6 ~" S/ _
  ardor n. 激情,狂热) B" w; x6 f! G1 j+ y: l/ i
6 |/ D& J: d6 {8 P
  arduous adj. 费力的,艰难的

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  For the last 20 years, I've worked as a arbitrator of disputes involving land. Arbitration is an arduous process that requires patience. Both parties in a dispute are typically ardent about their opinions. It's this state of ardor that makes it difficult to approach a satisfactory solution. Fortunately, I have the aptitude for understand's people's needs and finding an appropriate solution that satisfies the approximate requirements of both sides.
- S8 m+ x) ?0 I9 ^  The parties who approve me to judge their case know that I'm apt to make a fair and reasonable decision, not an arbitray one. This knowledge tends to lower the apprehension of both parties. I find that if the parties are less apprehensive, they are more cooperative. But no case is easy. There's always a sticking point.
/ @7 [' [8 I8 u  Presently, I'm working on a dispute between an old farmer and the government. The old farmer owns a piece of arable land on which he has grown fruit trees for 25 years. He wants to keep his land just as it is, not only because of his trees , but also due to the arboreal life it supports. The government believes that the old man's farming methods are archaic and not a productive use of the land. They want approval to use farmer's land to build a huge high-tech public aquarium. They want to display unique aquatic creatures to help educate the public. The government plans to make this project the archetype for all future public aquariums.
! x' t$ |0 f6 g# ^; T6 _5 G! f( C& ?  Well, it's going to be a tough case. In fact, it may be my toughest case yet.
8 W/ d4 s3 K5 T  我已做了2年的仲裁者,我的工作是解决涉及土地的争端。仲裁工作是个需要耐心的艰难过程,争执双方总是热切的阐述自己的观点,正是这份热切才使得双方很难探讨一个令人满意的解决方案。幸亏我有这方面的才能,总能善解人意,找到合适的解决办法,方才大致上满足了双方的要求。
& {& ?, I; z  G6 w6 G0 y6 X$ w  凡赞成让我裁决个案的利益双方都明白,我善于做出公正、合理的决定,绝不会武断的下结论。这一认识常常能减少争执双方的担忧。我发现争执双方越不担忧,就越容易合作。但没有一个个案是容易解决的,仲裁中总有症结。5 l, |. M+ x  l9 n1 \5 g
  现在,我正着手解决一个老农与政府直接的争端。那位老农拥有一片可耕地,他在这片土地上种了25年的果树。他想保持这片土地的现有状态,不仅为他的果树,还为生活在树上的所有生物。政府则认为那位老农的耕作方法太过时,没能有效利用土地。他们希望获得批准,在这片土地上建一座大型的高科技公共水族馆,馆内将展示独特的水生动物,以教育公众。政府计划使这一项目成为今后所有水族馆的典范。) }! {# @0 F' Q$ u+ H' K) ?
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