会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05


  Lesson 19 Facing Your Fear 直面你的恐惧
  averse adj. 反对的,不愿意的
  aversion n. 厌恶,憎恨
  avert vt. 避免,规避
  aviation n. 航空,航空学
  aviator n. 飞行家
  avid adj. 渴望的,热心的
  avocation n. 副业,嗜好
  avow v. 公开承认,公开宣称
  awareness n. 意识
  awkward adj. 笨拙的,不灵活的
  axis n. 轴,轴心
  baby-sitter n. 担任临时保姆,代人照顾婴儿者
  bachelor n. (文、理)学士;单身汉
  backbone n. 骨干,支柱;脊椎,中枢;骨气;坚毅,毅力
  backdrop n. 舞台背景,背景
  badge n. 徽章,证章(以示身份)
  badger v. 一再烦扰,一再要求;n. 獾(一种动物)
  baggage n. 行李
  bait v. 以饵引诱(动物),把饵装上;n. 诱饵,引诱物

  balance n. 平衡;vt. 使....平衡,使....均衡

会计考友 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06


</p>  I'm averse to flying. It's not that I don't have a backbone. In fact, I am otherwise very brave. I wear a police badge everyday and I arrest dangerous criminals. My aversion to aviation dates back to when I was a child.
  When I was years old, my baby-sitter took me on a short flight to visit my mom. We flew in a small plane. The weather conditions were very bad that day. Halfway to our destination, we hit a terrible storm. The aviator lost control of the plane. The powerful wind made the plane to several barrel rolls. It was like me were in a ball that was spinning on an axis. After a few seconds, the avaitor regained control and averted a disaster.
  I avowed never to fly in a small plane again. That story should serve as a dufficient backdrop for my fear of flying.
  However, I'm an avid fisherman. In fact, fishing is my avocation. To me, there's nothing like putting bait on you hook and casting it in a peaceful stream. No phones to ring, no supervisors to badger you. I'm still a bachelor, so I have plenty of time for fishing. The problem is that now, the best fishing spots are accessible only by small planes.
  Thus, I find myself looking rather awkward today as I stumble and stagger towards the small plane that awaits me. Why am I flying when I know how dangerous it is? Is this fishing spot really so great? My awareness of the danger is suppressed only by my thoughts of fabulous fishing. But I can hardly keep my balance as I struggle forward with my baggage.
  Just like any other fear, you have to face it one step at a time.
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查看完整版本: 第19期托福英语学习:托福词汇19